Browse 4-H Stories - Page 8

225 results found for 4-H
Ben Hill County swept the National Consumer Decision Making contest in Denver, Colorado. Team members (left to right) Liam Jay, Ashley Braddy, Lauren Wixson and Timothy Lord display their awards with coach Laura Lee Williams, Ben Hill County Extension 4-H Agent. CAES News
National 4-H Winners
Ben Hill County 4-H’ers Liam Jay, Ashley Braddy, Lauren Wixson and Timothy Lord returned as national champions from the Consumer Decision Making Contest in Denver, Colorado, on Jan. 9. The Ben Hill County team won first place in the overall contest and Lauren Wixson earned the title of High Individual.
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Rock Eagle Improvements
Rock Eagle 4-H Center was announced as a recipient of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER II) in a press release from Gov. Brian Kemp’s office on Jan. 10. The release stated that the $2.2 million in funding “will support vitally needed improvements to the facility to increase safety and expand learning experience opportunities.”
Cobb First Place Team CAES News
Winners and Master 4-H'ers
Four high school students from Cobb County took home top honors at the 4-H State Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging contest on Nov. 11, 2021, at Rock Eagle in Eatonton, Georgia. Sandhya Rajesh, Kshitij Badve, Haya Fatmi and Stefan Saboura earned the status of Master 4-H’er with their first-place win at the state level. Alyssa Haag from Oconee County also received Master 4-H’er status as the overall high individual in the contest.
UGA Extension offers programs and guidance for people of all ages to improve their nutrition and live their best lives. CAES News
New Year's Resolutions
As the new year approaches, many people discover a renewed enthusiasm for self-care and self-improvement. Georgia residents looking for guidance on matters of health, healthy relationships, financial literacy and more can count on University of Georgia Cooperative Extension for a wealth of resources to help reach those goals.
Floyd County 4-H’ers participated in a “Zoom into Science” virtual 4-H presentation about sea turtles. CAES News
Virtual 4-H
Educators have faced overwhelming challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Georgia 4-H continued to deliver essential and effective programming supporting teachers and students during the height of the crisis.
Students learn about salt marsh and beach ecosystems in the Georgia 4-H Environmental Education program at Burton 4-H Center. The center has been providing this important programming to youth and adults in Georgia for 75 years. CAES News
Burton’s 75-year Celebration
The Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island — an important hub for environmental education and youth development in southeast Georgia — celebrated 75 years of operation on Nov. 1.
Senior 4-H’er Maggie Payne poses with her first-place winning 650-pound pumpkin at the Union County Extension Office. CAES News
4-H Pumpkin Contest
More than 30 4-H’ers from across Georgia competed in the 2021 Georgia 4-H Pumpkin Growing Contest, with the winning pumpkin weighing in at 650 pounds. The Pumpkin Growing Contest offers students the opportunity to learn and utilize knowledge of agricultural and environmental sciences to produce prize-winning fruit.
South Georgia 4-H members enjoyed a trip to UGA's Stripling Irrigation Research Park for 4-H20 camp on Wednesday, June 6. CAES News
Clean Water Hero
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H program in Mitchell County was recognized as a Clean Water Hero by the Georgia Water Coalition’s 2021 Clean 13 Report. The annual Clean 13 Report highlights exceptional efforts to protect Georgia’s water resources.
The renovated chapel at Rock Eagle 4-H Center received an award from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. CAES News
Rock Eagle Chapel
Georgia 4-H was one of 20 historic preservation projects honored by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation during its 44th annual Preservation Awards ceremony in Macon in October. Georgia 4-H was specifically honored for Excellence in Restoration for its exemplary restoration of the Rock Eagle 4-H Center Chapel.