Browse 4-H Stories - Page 12

225 results found for 4-H
Madison Tomaso, Ally Runyon, Kennedy Gross and Alana Burcaw from Columbia County win the 2021 Georgia 4-H LifeSmarts virtual competition. CAES News
Virtual LifeSmarts Competition
Four Georgia 4-H Junior Varsity and four Varsity teams virtually competed in the 2021 Georgia LifeSmarts Championship on Feb. 15 and March 5 to test their consumer economics skills.
AmeriCorps engages 270,000 Americans each year in sustained, results-driven service. CAES News
4-H and AmeriCorps
From March 7 through March 13, Georgia 4-H joins thousands of 4-H Americans across the country to celebrate the valuable contributions of AmeriCorps members during AmeriCorps Week. AmeriCorps engages 270,000 Americans each year in sustained, results-driven service. AmeriCorps Week is a time to celebrate the impact of AmeriCorps programs and thank members for their service.
Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2021 state horse competition. Youth participating in quiz bowl learn about horse health and other equine-related topics. CAES News
Horse Quiz Bowl
On Feb. 13, 45 Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H Virtual Horse Quiz Bowl. The event was held in a hybrid format, with all competitive portions of the quiz bowl held electronically to comply with COVID-19 precautions.
2021 Virtual Winter Archery Contest CAES News
4-H Virtual Archery Contest
More than 300 youth from 25 counties participated in the 2021 Georgia 4-H State Virtual Archery Contest this year. Georgia 4-H continues to adapt its programs to create a safe environment for 4-H’ers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lines of school buses idling outside schools creates harmful air pollution and wastes fuel. To protect students' lung, and save engine parts, bus, and parents' vehicles, should not idle while waiting for students to exit school buildings, University of Georgia experts say. CAES News
Wraparound Webinar
Hear how schools are leveraging community partnerships, state and federal resources to holistically meet family needs in an upcoming webinar presented by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Emily Momberg speaking about the digital divide at a commission meeting in Catoosa County. (file photo) CAES News
Georgia 4-H Tech Changemakers
As a part of a three-year program, 4-H Tech Changemakers challenged 4-H youth leaders to conduct trainings to educate their communities about digital literacy with the goal of increasing the adoption of technology in rural counties in Georgia.
Georgia 4-H offers digital environmental education series CAES News
4-H Online Winter Programming
This past year has presented Georgia 4-H with the opportunity to create new and innovative programming options to meet the challenges of virtual school options and social distancing required by the COVID-19 crisis. Because these circumstances have precluded students from attending traditional environmental education programming at Georgia 4-H centers and 4-H club meetings at local University of Georgia Coooperative Extension offices, teachers and parents have needed entertaining and educational online resources to keep youth engaged in non-traditional learning environments. In response, Georgia 4-H launched “From The Mountains To The Sea,” “Zoom into Science” and “Blast Off with Georgia 4-H” to allow the state’s youth to continue their participation in 4-H programming remotely.
Oglethorpe County 4-H’ers prepared animal-safe treats to donate to a local animal rescue shelter. CAES News
Feeding Furry Friends
In Oglethorpe County, 4-H’ers have met monthly for the past seven years as a part of the Georgia 4-H Cooking to Share initiative, which challenges 4-H’ers across the state to develop cooking skills by preparing food for families in need. This past program year, more than 60 families benefited from this project in Oglethorpe County. To adapt to COVID-19 restrictions, 4-H'ers began preparing animal-safe treats for a local animal shelter.
A 4S student from Reynaldo Salinas Institute in Honduras poses with produce he grew at home through the Honduras 4S From Home program. CAES News
International 4-H Partnership
The University of Georgia, The Ohio State University and Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural University, a private university in Honduras, partnered to facilitate 4-H programming during the COVID-19 pandemic at six Honduran schools, reaching 180 students.