Browse 4-H Stories - Page 16

226 results found for 4-H
bee on Lantana CAES News
National Pollinator Week
Georgia 4-H is celebrating National Pollinator Week virtually throughout the week of June 22-28, 2020. The celebration showcases facts, resources and activities and highlights youth who participate in Georgia 4-H pollinator programs.
dairy cow CAES News
2020 Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl
More than 25 youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl on June 5, 2020, offered virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The contest is supported by The Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation and Milk Check-Off.
Georgia 4-H Goat Judging CAES News
Virtual Livestock Educational Resources
As school responsibilities wrap up and summer break begins, youth now have more time for livestock projects and hands-on learning.
National 4-H Healthy Living Photo CAES News
Healthy Habits at Home
Our nutrition and physical activity behaviors are not just the result of our personal choices. The environment or setting in which we live and family cultures and customs can also influence our choices and behaviors.
Georgia 4-H Southwest District N.A.I.L.'D It programming CAES News
Georgia 4-H Hosts Interactive Distance Learning Series
During this time of social distancing, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension staff across the state have come together to offer Georgia 4-H programming in an online format. A collection of Southwest District Extension staff has created 4-H New Adventures in Learning Distantly (NAIL'D It) to offer free educational and entertaining virtual lessons to the public.
Pulaski Healthy Living Resources CAES News
Georgia 4-H Hosts Online Programming
Regularly scheduled 4-H programming across the state has been disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, several Georgia counties have now moved their programming online to allow youth to still participate in valued 4-H learning experiences.
Georgia 4-H youth and agent on a computer. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Hosts Virtual Science Series
Georgia 4-H Science and Environmental Education Programs are empowering youth to learn, discover and create by offering a collection of virtual learning sessions, connecting youth with specialists and experts in a variety of scientific fields. The “Zoom into Science” series will include an assortment of hour-long sessions and allow participants to learn from experts as well as to be exposed to a variety of science-related careers.
Emma Wilson sewing masks CAES News
4-H'er Helps with Mask Shortage
With the current shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, children visiting the hospital for emergency needs do not have proper protection from COVID-19. Emma Wilson, a 10-year-old from Hancock County, is using her 4-H Project Achievement skills to help by sewing masks specifically for children.
Georgia 4-H 1st Vistual Project Achievement CAES News
Virtual Project Achievement
More than 425 fourth, fifth and sixth graders participated in Georgia 4-H’s recent Virtual Cloverleaf Project Achievement contest. In response to the cancellation of five area Project Achievement contests due to the COVID-19 crisis, Georgia 4-H faculty and staff quickly developed the Virtual Project Achievement Contest.