
Horticulture is the science and art of producing, improving, marketing and using fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. It differs from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporates both science and aesthetics. Production and consumption of high quality fruits and vegetables allows us to maintain a healthy, balanced daily diet. Flowers and ornamental plants enrich our homes and communities, and contribute to our sense of well-being.

Horticultural scientists at the Tifton campus work on many crops important to Georgia agriculture including blueberries, muscadine grapes and pecan trees, and vegetables such as broccoli, collard, cucumber, eggplant, kale, muskmelon, peppers, sweet corn, sweet onion, tomato and watermelon. This department is involved in basic and applied research in the plant sciences as well as providing expert technical assistance to growers throughout the state.

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Research, Extension, Instruction Coordinator

Patrick J. Conner
Patrick J. Conner Professor & Tifton REI Coordinator; Emphasis: Pecan & muscadine breeding

Tifton Personnel in the Department of Horticulture

Nirmala Acharya
Nirmala Acharya PhD GRA; Vegetable production (Dr. McAvoy, advisor)
Vinicius Araujo
Vinicius Araujo MS GRA, Post-harvest fruit & vegetables physiology & Blueberry, small fruits ( Dr. Deltsidis & Dr. Rubio Ames, advisor)
Sailaja Bhogireddy
Sailaja Bhogireddy Postdoctoral Research Associate (Dr. Ozias-Akins)
Akshaya Biswal
Akshaya Biswal Assistant Research Scientist; Emphasis: Peanut Genetics, Breeding, Genomics, Genetic Engineering & Genome Editing
Stephanie Botton
Stephanie Botton Research Technician & IPBGG-MS student (Dr. Ozias-Akins, advisor), peanut breeding
Lilian Carcamo
Lilian Carcamo PhD GRA; Postharvest physiology of blueberries (Dr. Rubio Ames, advisor)
Carlos Cardon
Carlos Cardon Postdoctoral Research Associate (Dr. Peggy Ozias-Akins)
Ye (Juliet) Chu
Ye (Juliet) Chu Assistant Professor, Emphasis: Blueberry breeding
Joann Conner
Joann Conner Associate Research Scientist; Emphasis: Apomixis, plant reproduction
Patrick J. Conner
Patrick J. Conner Professor & Tifton REI Coordinator; Emphasis: Pecan & muscadine breeding
Ramsey Corn
Ramsey Corn MS GRA; Postharvest physiology in blackberry (Dr. Deltsidis, advisor)
Lesa Cox
Lesa Cox Lead Administrative Associate, Tifton
Angelos Deltsidis
Angelos Deltsidis Assistant Professor & Post-harvest Extension Specialist; Emphasis: Post-harvest fruit & vegetables physiology
Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez
Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez Professor; Emphasis: Vegetable production (conventional, organic & sustainable); plasticulture; environmental physiology
Natalia Espinoza
Natalia Espinoza PhD GRA; Blueberry (Dr. Rubio Ames, advisor)
Regimar Garcia dos Santos
Regimar Garcia dos Santos PhD GRA; Precision agriculture (Dr. Oliviera, advisor)
Orestis Giannopoulos
Orestis Giannopoulos PhD GRA; Post-harvest physiology (Dr. Deltsidis, advisor)
Mike H. Hudson
Mike H. Hudson Agricultural Research Assistant III
Hua Kang
Hua Kang Research Professional II
Manisha Kumari
Manisha Kumari Postdoctoral Associate (Dr. Ted McAvoy);; Vegetables
Ted McAvoy
Ted McAvoy Assistant Professor & Vegetable Production Extension Specialist; Emphasis: Vegetable production
Hayley Milner
Hayley Milner MS GRA; Vegetable production (Dr. McAvoy, advisor)
Amol Nankar
Amol Nankar Assistant Professor; Emphasis: vegetable breeding
Taiwo Owolanke
Taiwo Owolanke PhD GRA; Post-harvest fruit & vegetable physiology (Dr. Deltsidis, advisor)
Peggy Ozias-Akins
Peggy Ozias-Akins Distinguished Research Professor; Emphasis: Molecular genetics of plant development, peanuts
Luan Oliveira
Luan Oliveira Assistant Professor and Precision Ag Extension Specialist
Elvis Pulici
Elvis Pulici MS GRA; Vegetable production (Dr. McAvoy, advsior)
Bailey Rayfield
Bailey Rayfield MS GRA; Enhancing sustainability of pecan production (Dr. Wells, advisor)
Lenin Rodriguez
Lenin Rodriguez Postdoctoral Research Associate (Dr Peggy Ozias-Akins)
Federica Rossi
Federica Rossi PhD GRA; Fruit post-harvest physiology (Drs. Rubio Ames & Deltsidis)
Zilfina Rubio Ames
Zilfina Rubio Ames Assistant Professor and Small Fruit Extension Specialist; Emphasis: Blueberry, small fruits
Emilio Suarez Romero
Emilio Suarez Romero MS GRA; Soil amendments (Dr. McAvoy, advisor)
Dana Sumner
Dana Sumner Administrative Associate, Tifton
Mary Sutton
Mary Sutton Assistant Professor & Citrus Extension Specialist; Emphasis: Citrus production
Gregory Thomas
Gregory Thomas Agricultural Research Assistant II
Noel Thomas
Noel Thomas MS GRA, Peanut breeding (Dr. Nankar, advisor
Aurora Torres Hernandez
Aurora Torres Hernandez MS GRA, Small fruit post-harvestBlueberry (Dr. Rubio Ames, advisor
Emily Walter
Emily Walter MS GRA; Blueberry breeding (Dr. Chu, advisor)
Lenny Wells
Lenny Wells Professor & Pecan Extension Specialist; Emphasis: Pecans