Horticulture is the science and art of producing, improving, marketing and using fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. It differs from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporates both science and aesthetics. Production and consumption of high quality fruits and vegetables allows us to maintain a healthy, balanced daily diet. Flowers and ornamental plants enrich our homes and communities, and contribute to our sense of well-being.
Horticultural scientists at the Tifton campus work on many crops important to Georgia agriculture including blueberries, muscadine grapes and pecan trees, and vegetables such as broccoli, collard, cucumber, eggplant, kale, muskmelon, peppers, sweet corn, sweet onion, tomato and watermelon. This department is involved in basic and applied research in the plant sciences as well as providing expert technical assistance to growers throughout the state.
Visit the department's website:
Research, Extension, Instruction Coordinator

Tifton Personnel in the Department of Horticulture

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