Crop & Soil Sciences

The UGA Tifton campus is home to at least 16 extension, research and teaching faculty in the Crop and Soil Sciences Department that serve the state's leading industry with the most up-to-date, accurate information, pertaining to field crop production. Important and useful research in the areas of plant breeding, plant physiology, weed science, soil fertility, cropping systems and precision agriculture are conducted by scientists based on this campus. Crops covered include the important summer row crops of cotton, peanut, corn and soybeans, as well as small grains, forages, turfgrass and emerging/alternative field crops. Extension specialists for these areas of interest and commodities then deliver this research information to the growers through the county agent delivery system.

Many professors in this department also supervise M.S and Ph.D. graduate students to increase their research productivity and place graduates in important faculty and ag industry positions across the country. In addition, since 2004, many professors in the Crop and Soil Sciences Department are also involved in undergraduate teaching where classes with a great student-to-teacher ratio participate in hands-on learning field crop production agriculture. 

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Crop & Soil Sciences

Research, Extension, Instruction Coordinator

Tifton Personnel in the Department of Crop & Soil Sciences

Jessie Adams
Jessie Adams Research Professional and IPBGG MS Student (Dr Nino Brown, Advisor)
Lisa Baxter
Lisa Baxter Assistant Professor and State Forage Specialist
William D. Branch
William D. Branch Georgia Seed Development Professor in Peanut Breeding and Genetics
Nino Brown
Nino Brown Assistant Professor of Peanut Breeding
Peng Chee
Peng Chee Professor | Cotton Breeding and Genetics, Host- Plant Resistance, Quantitative Trait Loci, Genomics
Lesa Cox
Lesa Cox Lead Administrative Associate, Tifton
Stanley Culpepper
Stanley Culpepper Professor - Extension Weed Scientist
Dustin G Dunn
Dustin G Dunn South Georgia Agronomist
Kaylyn Groce
Kaylyn Groce Extension Cotton and Peanut Sustainability Educator
Charlie R. Hilton
Charlie R. Hilton Agricultural Research Assistant III
Cristiane Pilon
Cristiane Pilon Associate Professor - Row Crop Physiology
Eric P. Prostko
Eric P. Prostko Extension Agronomist - Weed Science
Taylor Randell Singleton
Taylor Randell Singleton Assistant Professor | Extension Sustainability Specialist
Renae Woods
Renae Woods Administrative Associate, Tifton