Browse 4-H Stories - Page 6

225 results found for 4-H
Georgia 4-H'er Mia Burnett, the first grand marshal for the Great Georgia Pollinator Census, stands in front of her bee mural displayed at the Flint River Arts Council building in Camilla. CAES News
Pollinator Census Grand Marshal
Mitchell County 4-H member Mia Burnett has been named the 2022 Great Georgia Pollinator Census Grand Marshal in honor of dedication to pollinator preservation and awareness. A rising ninth grader at at Westwood School in Camilla, Georgia, Burnett will open the fourth annual census on Aug. 19 with a social media announcement inviting Georgians and South Carolinians to begin counting pollinators.
The 79th annual 4-H State Congress, held July 18-22 at Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia, included the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action contests and recognized youth development professionals, supporters and public officials for their contributions to the success of 4-H in Georgia. CAES News
State 4-H Congress
Last month, top 4-H’ers from around the state gathered in Atlanta to celebrate the 79th annual 4-H State Congress, an event packed with competition and recognition. State Congress, which took place from July 18-22, includes the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action contests and acknowledges youth development professionals, supporters and public officials for their contributions to the success of 4-H in Georgia. 
Mia Burnett, 4-H Ambassador for pollinators, tests a honey sample during training at Rock Eagle 4-H center in June. Burnett is one of 62 high-school students chosen for the 2022-23 Georgia 4-H Ambassador Program. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Ambassadors
Georgia 4-H has chosen 62 high-school students for the Georgia 4-H Ambassador Program to represent the organization in the program areas of Healthy Living, STEM, Tech, Wildlife and Pollinators around the state. Representing 42 Georgia counties, ambassadors were selected through a competitive application process and attended a comprehensive training weekend at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in June.
Coming in first place in the Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl, the Burke County senior team includes members Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Susanna Murray and Holt Sapp, who were coached by 4-H Extension Agent Meridith Meckel. CAES News
Dairy Quiz Bowl
The senior team from Burke County won first place at the Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl contest on May 20 at the UGA Animal Dairy Science Complex. Team members Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Susanna Murray and Holt Sapp were coached by Burke County 4-H Agent Meridith Meckel.
Tonya Thomas Berry stands in front of Emery Thomas Auditorium, named for her grandfather, in Dublin, Georgia. Emery Thomas Auditorium, the historic home of the Dublin 4-H Center, was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places. CAES News
Dublin 4-H Center
Georgia 4-H recognized the historical significance of the Dublin 4-H Center on May 14 with a program at the Emery Thomas Auditorium, which was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service. The Dublin 4-H Center opened in 1957 and became the first state center for Black 4-H Club members in the United States.
First-place winners from Oconee County 4-H receive their awards at the state Poultry Judging contest in Oglethorpe County. From left, Blakely Steward, Lexi Pritchard, Associate 4-H Leader Sue Chapman, State 4-H Leader Arch Smith, Connor Watson and Thomas Stewart show off their newly won certificates. CAES News
4-H Poultry Judging
Oconee County 4-H captured first place at the Georgia 4-H State Poultry Judging contest held May 6 at the Oglethorpe County Livestock Facility. Team members Blakely Stewart, Lexi Pritchard, Connor Watson and Thomas Stewart earned 3,979 of an overall 4,200 points and became the newest Master 4-H’ers in Georgia.
Catoosa County 4-H’er Jenna Dekich selected to represent National Tech Changemakers. CAES News
National Tech Changemakers
Catoosa County 4-H’er Jenna Dekich has been selected to serve as a National 4-H Tech Changemakers spokesperson on behalf of Georgia 4-H. Dekich, a senior at Ringgold High School, is one of nine youth leaders chosen from across the country to further the mission of the Tech Changemakers program.
Shown, from left, are parents Chad and Tabby Albritton, UGA Student Employee of the Year Christian Albritton, and nominator UGA Extension 4-H Specialist Kasey Bozeman. (Photo by Justin Evans) CAES News
UGA Student Employee of the Year
The University of Georgia’s annual Student Employee of the Year Awards Luncheon brought together 100 of UGA’s top student employees as determined by supervisor nomination. Christian Albritton, a third-year avian biology and biological science double major from Butler, Georgia, was selected as the 2022 Student Employee of the Year thanks to his work with Georgia 4-H.
A Georgia 4-H SAFE volunteer helps an Emanuel County 4-H’er with his scores during an indoor archery match in Perry, Georgia. CAES News
National Volunteer Week
Georgia 4-H is recognizing the vital role adult volunteers play in delivery of the 4-H programming to thousands of youths who benefit from the educational, recreational and community service opportunities the organization provides during National Volunteer Appreciation Week.