Browse Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Stories - Page 10

160 results found for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Grow It Know It Grant Coordinator Andie Bisceglia and VISTA member Joshua Truitt teach a soil lesson to students at the Center for Innovative Teaching in Winder, Georgia. CAES News
Grow it Know it
An award-winning interactive Clarke County school program that teaches students about science and nutrition is now underway in Barrow County, thanks to the University of Georgia.
CAES Office of Global Programs Associate Director Vicki McMaken, CAES doctoral candidate Davis Musia Gimode and CAES undergraduate Sara Reeves attended this year’s World Food Prize symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. CAES News
World Food Prize
Students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) spend a lot of class time discussing ways to end food insecurity, but there are many lessons that can’t be learned in the classroom.
Eric Rubenstein, assistant professor of agricultural leadership, education and communication in UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, helped his agricultural education students gain a teacher's perspective on the National FFA Convention and Expo by taking his class to the event. CAES News
FFA Convention
University of Georgia agricultural education students usually stand out in a crowd, but there’s something exciting about being around thousands of people who share a purpose.
Agricultural policy expert Robert Paarlberg, center left, and Dean Sam Pardue of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, center, congratulate the winners of the 2018 D.W. Brooks Faculty Awards for Excellence including, from left, Professor Yen-Con Hung, Associate Professor Kari Turner, Professor Dan Suiter, Senior Public Service Associate Lisa Jordan, and Professor Qingguo “Jack” Huang. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture
Whether it’s an argument for slow food or technologically advanced agriculture, most people oversimplify the narratives surrounding the modern food system.
The CAES Alumni Association will present the 2018 awards at a banquet on November 9 at the Grand Hall in Tate Student Center. CAES News
Alumni Awards
Agricultural advocates and educators topped this year’s list of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association’s best and brightest alumni.
Grow It Know It students Lucy Gibson, a junior in the Clarke Central High School; Jean Ayala Figueroa, an 8th grader at Clarke Middle School; Destiny Strickland, 8th grade at Coile Middle School and Mara Smith, a freshman at Clarke Central High School represent the Grow It Know It program celebrate Georgia Organic's Golden Radish Awards on Oct. 22. CAES News
Grow It Know It
Anyone who has ever been to a meal prepared by Clarke County Schools’ Grow It Know It students knows that the program is special, and now the state knows as well. 
UGA Extension agents Nan Bostick (left) and Lindsey Hayes (right) tour one of Rob Cohen's (center) pecan orchards in Decatur County, Georgia, following Hurricane Michael. CAES News
Hurricane Michael Totals
Hurricane Michael blew across southwest Georgia on Oct. 10, causing more than $2 billion in losses to the state’s agriculture industry, according to early estimates from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agricultural economists and Extension agents.
Food Evolution?
From food labels to classroom debates, the public discussion around genetically modified crops and food is everywhere — but never with much depth.
Jessica Marter-Kenyon is the gender specialist for the Peanut Innovation Lab housed in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Gender Specialist
Jessica Marter-Kenyon has joined the Peanut Innovation Lab management team as an advisor on gender-related issues. As a postdoctoral research associate with the innovation lab, Marter-Kenyon holds a joint appointment with the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.