Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 82

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Red, pink or green?
Gardeners often argue about when tomatoes should be picked — when they’re ripe, almost ripe or green as the stalk that supports them.
Slime molds, like this dog vomit mold, pop up in Georgia every time it rains. 
This mold sprang up next to a corn plant in a Georgia garden this srping. It's not harmful but seems to gross out unsuspecting gardeners. CAES News
Attack of the slime molds
Most of the time when people call their University of Georgia Extension office, they are typically fairly calm, but when they call to report a science-fiction-type growth has taken up residence in their yard, their nerves are usually on edge.
Cooperative Extension Southwest District 4-H'ers play beneath center pivot irrigation at the 2012 4-H20 camp at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Ga. CAES News
South Georgia 4-H'ers have fun learning about water conservation.
Dozens of 4-H students playing under the dangling spray nozzle of a center pivot irrigation system may look like a fun way to cool off in the south Georgia heat. But it’s also a lesson in water conservation.
Squash vine borer larva inside squash vine. CAES News
Tips and tricks to beating the squash vine borer
You can have tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers galore; but no backyard garden is complete without summer squash.
A 10-by-14 structural frame greenhouse built with treated wood and commercial-grade plastic. CAES News
Hobby greenhouses
With a little effort and forethought, the dream of owning a hobby greenhouse can become reality.
Fresh vegetables at a vendor stand at the Athens Farmers Market in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Insects at the farmers market shouldn't bug you out.
Farmers markets offer the best of local, fresh produce throughout Georgia. But all those mouth-watering vegetables straight from the field sometimes come with slimy little surprises — bugs.
Photo of nursery manager John Watson using IPMPro, a pest management app recently released by a team of researchers from a several different universities. CAES News
Pest management app
Green industry professionals often find themselves in the field needing immediate access to the latest pest and plant disease information and plant care recommendations, especially when they are caught off guard by destructive pests emerging in their area.
A European Pepper Moth found in Tifton, Ga. in October 2011. CAES News
New invasive species spotted in 2011
A new insect thought to threaten Georgia's pepper production at the moment poses a greater danger to lantana - a popular landscape plant.
Harmon Johar, a junior studying entomology at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences founded World Entomophagy — an international company that supplies edible insects to chefs. CAES News
Edible insects
If it were a matter of life over death, most people would munch on a grasshopper. But would you do so purely by choice? University of Georgia student Harman Johar is counting on it.