Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 81

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Spider mites feed on a soybean leaf CAES News
Spider mites
When it’s summertime in Georgia, hot and dry weather will cause stress to most plants. These conditions also help create another problem – spider mite damage.
Cowpea curculio on bean. CAES News
UGA researcher embarks on new study of cowpea curculio
Believe it or not, field peas — a fixture of the Southern dinner table — can be too difficult to grow in Georgia.
University of Georgia entomology intern Anna Marie Heape places a kudzu bug trap in a kudzu patch on the UGA campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Monitoring kudzu
U.S. Forest Service entomologist Jim Hanula may be the only person in the South who actually wants to keep kudzu alive. He needs healthy plots of the famous weed to monitor the effect the bean plataspid – a pest that entered Georgia some two years ago and has become known as the kudzu bug – is having on kudzu.
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Trial gardens
Over the last three decades, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia have introduced home gardeners and landscape designers to thousands of new plant varieties.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Water Smarter
A beautiful lawn needs water. However, with another dry summer looming, that water may be in short supply — whether it comes from the sky or the sprinkler.
Suspected 2,4-D herbicide damage on tomato. CAES News
Tomatoes susceptible to herbicides for turf and pastures
Home gardeners often inadvertently and unknowingly damage their vegetables with herbicides.
Fresh vegetables at a vendor stand at the Athens Farmers Market in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Farmers Market Safety
Buying locally grown produce at the farmers market is a great way to ensure your family is getting the freshest food possible, but it doesn’t guarantee that the produce is safer. Just like any food, locally grown food must be handled safely on the farm and in the markets to make sure it is safe when it lands on the diner table.
Mole Control
Do you have mysterious tunnels running through your lawn or flowerbeds? If so, a mole has likely invaded your yard, and you are not alone.
Kudzu flower CAES News
Weed control 101
Ralph Waldo Emerson defined a weed as “a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” To a serious gardener, a weed can be nothing less than the bane of his or her existence. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension horticulturist Bob Westerfield says the best way to control weeds is to get to them early.