Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 42

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Jim Robbins, University of Arkansas, will present on using unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as UAVs or drones, in "Drones in Production – Inventory Management and Stress Detection" at UGA Extension's Academy of Plant Production, June 12-15 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Academy of Crop Production
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Green Industry Association are inviting veteran nursery and greenhouse growers to “get nerdy” with them this summer at the inaugural Academy of Crop Production, June 12-15 at Hotel Indigo in Athens, Georgia.
University of Georgia researchers are studying the effectiveness of applying a Bacillus bacteria species to the stigmas of female flowers to slow the spread of bacterial fruit blotch from seed to seedling. CAES News
Battling Blotch
Georgia farmers struggle to control bacterial fruit blotch (BFB), but University of Georgia plant pathologists have discovered that naturally occurring bacteria can combat the disease.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Heirlooms at Rock Eagle
here’s nothing quite as satisfying as harvesting a juicy, vibrant watermelon or perfectly-ripened tomato from your garden. For anyone who has a green thumb, May’s Saturday at the Rock session is for you. Set aside Saturday, May 21, to learn about seed-saving and the benefits of heirloom plants in your garden.
Unlike many blueberry plants, Blue Suede holds on to its foilage throughout the year.  It is brightly colored in the fall and green in the winter. CAES News
Edible Landscaping
The key to creating a visually appealing edible landscape is the artful combination of annuals and perennials. Most edible plants can act as substitutes for annual plants, but there are some options that can substitute for shrubs, vines and small trees.
Spring-flowering shrubs, like this native azalea growing in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia, should be pruned after they bloom. Pruning before they bloom will cut down on the flower show. CAES News
Prune After Bloom
Spring-flowering plants are beginning to pop with color. As soon as their color fades, landscapers can prepare to prune and groom these plants.
UGA turfgrass breeder Brian Schwartz (right) examines research plots during the turfgrass conference held in 2013. CAES News
Turfgrass Conference
Sod farmers, landscape professionals and sports turf managers interested in learning more about the turfgrass industry’s latest innovations are invited to attend the 70th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference.
Georgia Urban Ag & Outdoor Expo CAES News
Ag & Outdoor Expo
The Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo seeks to educate the public on the roles that urban and traditional farming play in supplying food to a continually growing nation. To that end, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley and UGA Extension agent Steve Pettis will be among the host of presenters at the event.
A syrphid or flower fly hovers over a swamp sunflower bloom. The tiny insect is sometimes called a hover fly because its flight pattern resembles that of a hovering hummingbird. CAES News
Pollinator Plan
Many food items, including fresh fruits and vegetables, would never make it to grocery store or farmers market shelves without the help of beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. The number of these pollinating insects in the U.S. is declining, and to help, Georgia agricultural experts developed a statewide plan to teach gardeners and landscapers how to care for their plants and protect these vulnerable insects that are vital to food production.
Celosia is one of many flowering plants that attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Other flowering plants that attract beneficial insects include aster, butterfly weed, coneflower, cosmos, rudbeckia, sunflower and zinnias. CAES News
Bees, Bugs & Blooms
A workshop focused on attracting and protecting beneficial insects will be offered Wednesday, April 20, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in Fayetteville, Georgia, by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts.