Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 41

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
A close-up view of chinch bugs. CAES News
Chinch Bugs
Georgia lawns are looking parched thanks to drought conditions statewide, but the lack of rain has also opened the door for chinch bugs, a major dry weather pest of St. Augustinegrass and other turfgrass lawns.
Soaker Hoses
During long periods without rain, landscape plants and trees can suffer permanent damage. Supplying water slowly and gradually from below is the best way to help them survive, as this method has much less potential for evaporation than overhead irrigation.
Mosquito Season
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia’s mosquito populations mercifully low, but that’s no reason for Georgians to let down their guard this season.
Perfect composting conditions require the perfect combination of materials — not too much brown matter, not too much green matter, not too cold and not too dry. CAES News
Composting Tips
Composting organisms are like people — both need water to survive and function at their best. Inadequate water will inhibit the activities of composting organisms, resulting in a slower composting process. If the compost pile is too moist, however, water will displace air and create anaerobic conditions in the pile.
When using pesticides, remember that the safe and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed exactly. Contact your local Extension agent if you're unsure about a product. CAES News
Pesticide Collection
A pesticide collection event has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 29, at the Southern Pines Ag and Expo in Dublin, Georgia. The event will be held from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Academy of Crop Production
From unmanned aerial vehicles to remote-sensing greenhouse control systems, nursery and greenhouse growers explored the future of the green industry as part of the inaugural Academy of Crop Production (ACP), held June 12-15 in Athens, Georgia.
In spring 2016, Jeff Miller took a position as UGA Cooperative Extension coordinator for the Atlanta area. CAES News
UGA Extension in Atlanta
There’s a growing hunger in the Atlanta region for locally grown food, greener gardens, healthier lifestyles and information that makes life simpler.
A nursery grower examines plants growing at the Trial Gardens at UGA. The gardens will hold a public open house July 9. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Each year the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia tests hundreds of new ornamental plants before they reach local garden centers.
Plants like hostas, epimedium, numerous species of ferns, caladiums, coleus, and monkey grass can be combined to create beautiful gardens in the shade. CAES News
Shade Gardens
Some of the most beautiful gardens are made in the shade. Shade gardening is unique in that it lends itself to a peaceful, serene and cool landscape setting.