Browse Agricultural and Applied Economics Stories - Page 7

405 results found for Agricultural and Applied Economics
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Professor Cesar Escalante has been recognized for his pioneering research and advocacy to advance financial inclusion and alleviate racial and gender bias in agricultural lending. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
FINRA Ketchum Prize
University of Georgia Professor Cesar Escalante has been awarded the 2022 Ketchum Prize — the FINRA Investor Education Foundation’s (FINRA Foundation) highest honor — in recognition of his pioneering research and advocacy to advance financial inclusion and alleviate racial and gender bias in agricultural lending.
Design Sprint challenges students to use creative thinking to solve problems CAES News
Design Sprint
A three-person team of University of Georgia undergraduates from both the Terry College of Business and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences claimed the top prize in an annual competition that challenged students to design the ideal campus workspace.
The current factors disrupting the economy are not the same as those normally seen in a pre-recessionary period, said State Fiscal Economist Jeffrey Dorfman. “There may be bumps and economic growth may slow down, but if there is a recession, it will not be a normal one. The economy is not going to lose a lot of jobs.” (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
Recession and Agriculture
While there is a lot of concern about impending recession in the U.S., the traditional economic indicators of recession aren’t fully apparent, especially in the agricultural sector, according to State Fiscal Economist Jeffrey Dorfman, a professor of agricultural and applied economics in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.   
weblogo 40Under40 V2 01 tinyPNG opti 705x705 CAES News
Alumni Honored
Four graduates of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) are among the University of Georgia Alumni Association's 40 Under 40 Class of 2022. Among the young alumni finding creative solutions to world problems, leading businesses and serving their communities are four honorees from CAES: a lawyer, a veterinarian, an industry representative and a medical resident.
SiloSpringsRanch (1) CAES News
Master Agri-manager Program
Since launching Silo Springs Ranch in 2020, Audrey Gravelle and her husband have jumped many hurdles associated with starting a farm. They’ve found a meat processor, formed a limited liability company and marketed the finished product — in this case, grass-fed and finished cattle that is processed locally and sold directly to customers in Georgia. Starting a farm or agribusiness is more complicated than often realized — and comes with plenty of risk.
New interdisciplinary pilot program explores funding salt marsh preservation and recovery CAES News
Salt Marsh Preservation
How much is a salt marsh worth? That’s one of the questions the University of Georgia and The Nature Conservancy will try to answer as they launch a pilot study funded by Georgia Sea Grant to determine the socioeconomic value of salt marsh ecosystems in Georgia.
Gopi Munisamy at June 2022 Senate Hearing CAES News
Agricultural Trade Senate Hearing
On June 9, Gopinath “Gopi” Munisamy, Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Marketing and interim head of the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, shared the agricultural impact of trade issues with the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, chaired by U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia.
Using added inorganic fertilizer may not be worth the financial risk for smallholder maize farmers on rain-fed farms in sub-Saharan Africa, such as this small maize farm in Tanzania. CAES News
Return on Investment
Using fertilizer to increase crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa may seem like a logical choice, but farmers in rain-fed areas must also weigh the potential for low rainfall or excess heat during the growing season.
Empty grocery shelves due to supply chain issues. CAES News
High Food Prices
A dollar spent at the supermarket pays for more than what you see in your cart. And what you can get with that dollar has changed a lot since this time last year. Global issues driven by the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current crisis in Ukraine are driving costs higher for food and many other goods.