Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 90

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
A canteloupe grows on a vine in a central Georgia backyard garden. CAES News
Safer produce
Outbreaks of listeria monocytogenes are commonly linked to deli meats, hot dogs and soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk. Recent deaths and illnesses in the U.S. have added fresh cantaloupes from Colorado to that list.
From bids to equipment
A workshop for professional landscapers is set for Oct. 21 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Close up image of large patch disease on zoysiagrass CAES News
Fall turf diseases
September 23 is the first day of fall, heralding in cooler temperatures that slow the growth of the grass and prepares it to go dormant for the winter. It is also a favorable time for turf diseases to develop. If you had problems with large patch or take-all patch in the spring, you will likely deal with them again in the fall.
Fulton Fresh Mobile Farmer's Market van CAES News
Fulton fresh
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents in Fulton County are heading up an effort to deliver fresh produce to areas of the county considered “food deserts,” or areas with poor access to affordable, healthy food.
Soil moisture conditions in the southern half of the state are generally at the fifth percentile, meaning the soils at the end of May would be wetter 95 out of 100 years. CAES News
Transplants or seeds?
My soil is really dry. Do I still follow my soil test recommendations? And, should I plant transplants or seeds in my fall garden? Clarke County Extension agent Amanda Tedrow answers these questions.
Consider size when adding crape myrtles to your landscape. CAES News
New plant material
As the weather grows cooler most landscape plants begin to go dormant. Fall is an excellent time to install new plant material.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Cold weather veggies
Now is the time for home gardeners to start preparing fall gardens of cool-season vegetables.
Kudzu bugs hide behind a layer of tree bark in South Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu bug multiplies and spreads
Almost two years ago, a tiny immigrant pest arrived in Georgia, and there’s nothing the state’s immigration office can do to make it leave. The bean plataspid, or kudzu bug, munches on kudzu and soybeans and has now set up residence in four Southern states.
Fall webworms CAES News
Nasty web makers
Are you noticing webs in some of the trees throughout your landscape? I always get multiple calls during the late summer and early fall about webs in trees and worms crawling on everything. The fall webworm is the pest weaving these problems.