Browse Field Crops Stories - Page 2

79 results found for Field Crops
Irrigation maintenance is key for farmers to avoid costly malfunctions once the growing season begins. CAES News
Warming weather
Georgia temperatures are rising, and the weather is only going to get hotter with little rain in the forecast. That’s not good news for Georgia’s cotton producers who are in the middle of planting this year’s crop, says Jared Whitaker, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton agronomist.
Pine trees toppled over after Hurricane Michael in Wilcox County, Georgia. CAES News
No Relief
Agricultural producers in the region damaged most by Hurricane Michael are struggling to recover from this disaster without additional federal assistance, even as the 2019 spring planting season is now fully underway. A recent survey of Cooperative Extension county agents in Florida and Georgia showed that there is a great deal of continued uncertainty about future production in affected areas.
Scout schools will be offered at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, as well as the Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Georgia. CAES News
Scouting School
Even in a world of remote-monitoring stations and farm technology, farmers haven’t found anything better than the human eye to identify emerging crop problems.
Pam Knox, newly named interim director of the University of Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network, checks the data logger at the weather station on the Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Network Leader
University of Georgia agricultural climatologist Pam Knox has been named interim director of UGA’s network of 86 weather stations across Georgia.
Twenty-one CAES graduate students hit the road in May to explore crop protection career opportunities in Florida. CAES News
Crop Protection Careers
The search for a perfect job can feel like a major quest. That quest turns literal for a group of University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) students for one week each summer.
University of Georgia scientist Peggy Ozias-Akins, a College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences professor of horticulture on the UGA Tifton Campus, applies advanced biotechnology and molecular biology tools — tools she developed herself in some cases — to improve crops like peanuts. CAES News
Ozias-Akins Honored
University of Georgia Professor Peggy Ozias-Akins has been awarded the title of Distinguished Research Professor, an honor awarded to UGA faculty recognized internationally for their contributions to knowledge and whose work promises to foster continued creativity in their discipline. She and her colleagues have created new and improved plant varieties that are higher yielding, more disease resistant, more nutritious or have greater ornamental value.
A picture of a corn field from a few years ago. Recent rains have helped this year's corn crop, according to UGA Extension specialist Eric Prostko. CAES News
Road Trip
Like many other young people, plant pathology graduate student Russell Ingram’s friends have an epic road trip planned for this summer. The difference is that instead of setting off for a music festival in the desert or visiting a beach, Ingram’s pals are hitting the road in search of jobs.
Two women tour the organic production plots at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm during UGA's 2014 Organic Twilight Tour. CAES News
Twilight Tour
Organic and sustainable agriculture experts from the University of Georgia will host their fifth annual Organic Twilight Tour on Thursday, July 14 from 6-8 p.m. at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Durham Horticulture Farm at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville, Georgia.
Ann M. Steensland, deputy director for the Global Harvest Initiative, will deliver the keynote address at this year's Sixth Annual International Agriculture Day Reception. The event will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, at the Georgia Museum of Art. CAES News
Food Security in Focus
Ann M. Steensland, deputy director for the Global Harvest Initiative, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Sixth Annual International Agriculture Day reception. The event will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, at the Georgia Museum of Art. Hosted by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office of Global Programs, the talk and reception are free and open to the public.