Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 8

752 results found for Crop and Soil Sciences
2023 02 16 GO Conference 0689 Cropped Resized CAES News
Organic Production
What began as a grassroots growers cooperative in the 1970s has become one of the Southeast’s most prestigious, member-supported nonprofit farming organizations. Having just wrapped up its 25th annual conference in Perry, Georgia, the organization continues its long-standing partnership with the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension.
Georgia 4-H created the Ag Tech Changemakers program to expand the subject area coverage to include agriculture-specific skills. Youth take the skills they learn and provide outreach programming to their farming communities. (Photo by Josie Smith) CAES News
Ag Tech Changemakers
High school 4-H’ers are bridging technology gaps in the agriculture community with Georgia’s new 4-H Ag Tech Changemakers program, part of the national 4-H Tech Changemakers initiative. Students trained as Tech Changemakers create educational opportunities for adults to learn essential workforce-related technology, and Georgia 4-H created the 4-H Ag Tech Changemakers program to expand the subject area coverage to include agriculture-specific skills.
The Integrative Precision Agriculture International Conference — Local Solutions Through Global Advances will be held May 18-19 at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Hotel. Hosted by UGA’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture, the conference will feature speakers who solve problems around the globe and offer new perspectives on common challenges in the field. CAES News
Integrative Precision Agriculture Conference
The Integrative Precision Agriculture International Conference, “Local Solutions Through Global Advances,” will be held May 18-19 at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel. Hosted by UGA’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture, the conference will feature speakers who solve problems around the globe and offer new perspectives on common challenges in the field.
Iron Horse Farm CAES News
Matt Levi
There’s a world of information under your feet. Just ask UGA Assistant Professor Matt Levi, who maps and models soil data for use across disciplines, from precision agriculture to fire prediction research. A pedologist by trade, an earnest respect for soil and its critical functions underlies his interdisciplinary work in predictive GIS mapping.
(Foreground L-R): Farm manager Josh Griffin, assistant professor and extension precision ag specialist Simer Virk and agriculture specialist Kevin Roach talk as a tractor operator plants corn using a precision agriculture system at the Iron Horse Farm. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker) CAES News
IIPA Seed Grants
The University of Georgia’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture has awarded eight seed grants to fund initial research for projects at the convergence of agriculture, engineering, computing and related areas of study. The grants, the first of their kind from IIPA, follow a strategic push by the university to improve its industry collaboration across fields of study and support foundational research to advance agriculture and economic development in the state of Georgia.
Ph.D. student Maria Huertas-Diaz counts plaque assays in professor Biao He's lab at the College of Veterinary Medicine. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Record Research Spending
For the first time in its history, the University of Georgia surpassed a half-billion dollars in research and development spending in fiscal year 2022. With total expenditures of $545.6 million — representing a jump of more than 10% from the previous year — UGA did not simply exceed the half-billion mark, it rocketed past it.
From left, new UGA faculty members Leonardo Bastos, Lorena Lacerda and Guoyu Lu have joined the Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture. CAES News
New IIPA Faculty
The University of Georgia's Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture (IIPA), a new interdisciplinary unit dedicated to the research and application of new technologies in agriculture, has made three new faculty hires. Leonardo Bastos, Lorena Lacerda and Guoyu Lu joined IIPA full time during fall 2022, each contributing to the strategic mission of the institute to harness the power of technology and big data to sustainably provide for our planet’s growing population.
Burrweed develops opposite, sparsely hairy leaves that are divided into numerous segments and small, inconspicuous flowers, in addition to the spine-tipped burrs found in the leaf axils. When treated with herbicides in January, February and March, lawn burrweed can be effectively controlled. CAES News
Lawn Burrweed
Walking barefoot through soft grass is one of life’s greatest joys — the warmth of the ground, the tickling of the blades of grass on your feet, toes wriggling free from the confinement of shoes — it is just spectacular. In the summer. In the midst of winter, after cold and rainy weeks, it sounds miserable, but if you are looking forward to that summer experience, you may want to prepare your lawn now.
A peanut split in half lengthwise, exposing the pale, immature peanut inside the shell. Photo by Edwin Remsburg for UGA CAES CAES News
Peanut Protectors
On a warm morning in mid-September, tractor-drawn peanut-digging equipment burrowed beneath the peanut vines on the first of Tift County peanut farmer Greg Davis’s fields. This is the day peanut producers — and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents and UGA peanut researchers — work all season for.