Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 10

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From left, Rolando Orellana, UGA Extension urban water management agent for the Center for Urban Agriculture; Laura Perry Johnson, associate dean for Extension; Dan Suiter, chair of the Urban Agriculture Commission; Nick Place, CAES dean and director; David Buntin, interim assistant provost and campus director for UGA-Griffin; and Jule-Lynne Macie, interim director of the Center for Urban Agriculture, cut the ribbon for the Irrigation Demonstration Site at UGA-Griffin on Aug. 5. The site is the first of its kind in the Southeast. CAES News
Irrigation Demonstration Site
The new irrigation demonstration site on the University of Georgia Griffin campus opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially launch the site, which will be used for training, research and education on the latest irrigation technologies for industry professionals, homeowners and researchers.
samuele CAES News
2022-25 FFAR Fellow
Samuele Lamon, a doctoral student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia, has been selected for the 2022-25 cohort of the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Fellows program.
Clint Waltz, UGA Extension turfgrass specialist, welcomes the crowd to the 2022 Turfgrass Research Field Day at UGA-Griffin on Aug. 3. Interim Assistant Provost and Campus Director David Buntin (back) and Griffin Mayor Doug Hollberg (front) also welcomed the crowd of approximately 700 attendees to the event. CAES News
2022 Turfgrass Research Field Day
The University of Georgia Turfgrass Team welcomed approximately 700 people — including turf industry professionals, golf course superintendents and local homeowners — to the UGA Griffin campus for the 2022 Turfgrass Research Field Day earlier this month.
From designing more inclusive agricultural education to developing her brand, Kristen Dunning does it her way. CAES News
Setting the Course
Since landing at the University of Georgia in 2018, Kristen Dunning has been building opportunities. While at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, she has become a student leader and researcher, started a successful personal care products business, and developed an idea to make the industry she loves more transparent in its history and more equitable in its future.
Data science, technology and A.I. coalesce in the field of plant robotics. CAES News
Plant Robotics
Say hello to Watson. A four-wheeled, phenotyping robot that operates autonomously or under human control, Watson is taking shape in Changying “Charlie” Li’s lab at the Phenomics and Plant Robotics Center (PPRC) on the University of Georgia’s Athens campus in collaboration with researchers in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Robin Buell, GRA Eminent Scholar Chair in Crop Genomics, works in a plant growth chamber. Buell received nearly $800,000 in funding to study the genome of tepary bean in an effort to address climate-related difficulties faces in production of common bean. CAES News
Bean Genes
The common bean — which includes many varieties of dry beans, from navy and black beans to red, pinto and green beans — are an important nutritional source for many world populations. However, rapidly changing climate conditions are making them increasingly difficult to grow in many locations due to high temperatures and susceptibility to diseases and pests.
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Brake Herbicide
Peanuts, although a major crop in Georgia, are a minor crop in the U.S., with only about 1.5 million acres planted. Due to its limited acreage, there are not many herbicides solely developed for peanuts. Emerging herbicide resistance is an increasing concern in peanut-producing states, and growers need more tools to combat pernicious weeds like Palmer amaranth.
UGA's Southeast Research and Education Center will host its annual field day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 10. The 720-acre facility has over 60 ongoing research projects, with an emphasis on the efficient use of water. CAES News
Midville Field Day
The University of Georgia Southeast Research and Education Center will host its annual field day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 10. The annual event is an open house tour of current research projects taking place at the center where College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences faculty will highlight the work they are doing in cotton, peanuts, soybeans, corn, small grains and cover crops.
Irrigator Pro App Credits Austn CAES News
Irrigation Scheduling
As climate variability increasingly affects producers across the Southeastern U.S., Wes Porter spends a lot of time thinking about water — specifically, crop irrigation — and how available tools can benefit farmers threefold.