Browse Landscaping Stories - Page 6

243 results found for Landscaping
'Bolvian Sunset' grows from 12 to 18 inches tall at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
'Bolivian Sunset'
Shady ground covers that bloom are sought-after in the gardening world, and ‘Bolivian Sunset’ is one of the most beautiful. Commonly called “hardy gloxinia,” it is cold hardy from zones 8 and higher, but everyone can enjoy it as a container plant on the deck and indoors, provided it has a shady or filtered-light location.
'NuMex Easter' ornamental peppers won the All-America Selections award for its outstanding performance. CAES News
New Mexico Peppers
‘NuMex Easter’ peppers are small, compact plants that reach up to 12 inches tall and as wide, but they load up with more colorful peppers than you would ever imagine for that size of a plant. They make great border plants for the traditional landscape and will dazzle in herb or tropical gardens.
Norman Winter stands by a 5-foot tall giant milkweed with leaves as big as a rubber tree at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah. CAES News
Giant Milkweed
Giant milkweeds in the Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden in Savannah are 4 to 5 feet tall with leaves as large as those on a rubber tree. They provide many food opportunities for monarch caterpillars and their cousins, the queen and soldier caterpillars.
'Picante Salmon' salvia provides a rare color to the garden and looks incredible with blue evolvulus. CAES News
Scarlet Sage
New colors and varieties of scarlet sage will ensure a dazzling landscape or a sizzling mixed container for the whole gardening season. The Saucy series, ‘Saucy Wine’ and ‘Saucy Red,’ have both found fame in the Southern Living Plant Collection. ‘Saucy Coral’ has one of the rarest colors in the gardening world.
Yellow leaves on a tree in the fall of the year CAES News
Mower Mulching
Everyone loves to have good shade trees in their yard, but once summer is over, most people despise dealing with fallen leaves. There is an option that avoids having to rake leaves altogether: Let your mower do the work.
Home landscapes typically include a collection of plants that are the homeowner's personal favorites. University of Georgia Extension experts say before buying and installing plants, make sure you select the proper place. Plants who prefer shade will not perform well in a sunny spot and a plant that will eventually grow to be tall and wide will not do well in a small confined space. CAES News
Landscape Plan
Late summer is an excellent time to plan landscape renovations. If you establish plans now, then you will be ready to take advantage of fall, the best time to plant. Many Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program groups across the state hold fall plant sales now. Before you hit your first sale, there are a few things to consider.
'Inferno' coleus looks striking against the lime green of this 'Sidekick' ornamental sweet potato foliage.
  CAES News
Colorful Coleus
It seems the coleus is worth its weight in gold in the landscape this time of the year. They offer a persevering performance and flaming color during the hottest part of the summer, which puts it among the best buys for your gardening dollar.
Blood lily flowers are comprised of large, 6-inch umbels, or softball-sized globes, borne on stalks about 12 to 18 inches tall. Each sphere has dozens of red florets with yellow stamens. This creates one of the showiest floral displays in the plant world. CAES News
Blood Lily
The African blood lily is known botanically as Scadoxus multiflorus. It is in the Amaryllis family and is indeed native to South Africa. A lot of literature suggests it is perennial only for zones 9 to 11, but it is not hard to find long-term trials where it survives in zone 7b with great winter drainage.
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees like this plum tree. Large cracks can become long-term open wounds that are more susceptible to wood-boring insects, fungal diseases and wood decay. CAES News
Split Bark
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees such as dogwood, elm, maple, cherry, apple, peach and plum trees.