Browse Climate Stories - Page 2

180 results found for Climate
Salt marshes, like this one on Jekyll Island, are vital parts of the ecosystem for oysters along the Georgia coastline. (Photo by Chris Greer) CAES News
Shell to Shore
University of Georgia alumnus Zachary Brendel gives new life to discarded things. You can see it throughout the streets of downtown Athens — from an old tire store that glows with reimagined life as Creature Comforts brewery or an audio recording school operating at full tilt within a converted shoe store. Both are revitalization projects completed by Athens-based Character Built Construction, which was co-founded by Brendel.
An arched iceberg located along the Antarctic Peninsula, taken June 17. Last month Antarctic sea ice extent reached a record low for June, at 4.68 million square miles — or about 471,000 square miles below average. (Photo by Dan Costa/National Science Foundation/Creative Commons) CAES News
Weather extremes
Halfway through 2022, Earth is on course for another top-10 finish in global temperature. After six months, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that the period from January through June 2022 was the planet’s sixth warmest on record, with observations that go back to 1880. Antarctica also saw its lowest June ice coverage on record.
Robin Buell, GRA Eminent Scholar Chair in Crop Genomics, works in a plant growth chamber. Buell received nearly $800,000 in funding to study the genome of tepary bean in an effort to address climate-related difficulties faces in production of common bean. CAES News
Bean Genes
The common bean — which includes many varieties of dry beans, from navy and black beans to red, pinto and green beans — are an important nutritional source for many world populations. However, rapidly changing climate conditions are making them increasingly difficult to grow in many locations due to high temperatures and susceptibility to diseases and pests.
Irrigator Pro App Credits Austn CAES News
Irrigation Scheduling
As climate variability increasingly affects producers across the Southeastern U.S., Wes Porter spends a lot of time thinking about water — specifically, crop irrigation — and how available tools can benefit farmers threefold.
Using added inorganic fertilizer may not be worth the financial risk for smallholder maize farmers on rain-fed farms in sub-Saharan Africa, such as this small maize farm in Tanzania. CAES News
Return on Investment
Using fertilizer to increase crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa may seem like a logical choice, but farmers in rain-fed areas must also weigh the potential for low rainfall or excess heat during the growing season.
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KPI-ADS Partnership
In the decades since Keith Kelly graduated from the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with a degree in agricultural economics, he has built a diversified slate of agricultural businesses encompassing 17 distinct brands. Now Kelly is applying his agricultural knowledge and Kelly Products Inc. to a new initiative to combine leading-edge technology with the expertise of UGA’s Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Header image for 2022 CleanTech Symposium CAES News
Cleantech Symposium
On April 20, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the UGA Office of Sustainability, the Consulate General of Switzerland and the Swiss Business Hub in Atlanta will host the 2022 Cleantech Symposium to pose a critical question, “Can Tech Save the World?”
On Feb. 17, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center released its latest three-month climate outlook, which includes the seasonal temperature forecast for the U.S. The map above represents the probability that temperatures will be above or below normal by location. CAES News
Growing Season Outlook
Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (CPC) released its latest three-month climate outlook for the United States. What does this mean for conditions in the Southeast in the coming growing season?
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Winter Weather
While some U.S. regions, such as the Northeast and Midwest, have experienced consistent cold throughout the winter of 2022, the Southeast region, including Georgia, has seen a winter with varied temperatures. Those unpredictable temperatures, alongside moisture and frost, may have had a direct impact on plant survival, as plants’ ability to thrive or perish is ultimately determined by the weather.