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Winds from Tropical Storm Irma uprooted a tree on the lawn of the United Bank in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Hurricane Michael
Hurricanes, tropical storms and severe rainfall events are commonly seen among states in the Southeast U.S. These natural events most often occur during summer or early fall and may cause severe problems for urban and agricultural areas of Georgia. As of this week, it appears that we have another hurricane poised to strike Georgia. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension wants all of its agents — and the fruit, vegetable and nut growers they serve — to be as prepared as possible for the effects of the storm.
Food Evolution?
From food labels to classroom debates, the public discussion around genetically modified crops and food is everywhere — but never with much depth.
Don't let fire ants ruin your afternoons. CAES News
Fire Ants
Fire ant populations are high in the fall and ants haven’t yet burrowed deep into the soil for winter. Among others, these are the reasons University of Georgia entomologists say that now is the perfect time to treat for them.
Made possible by a $1 million gift from the Dundee Community Association, the Dundee Cafe on the University of Georgia Griffin campus will serve students, employees and visitors as well as keep the memory of Dundee Mills and the historic mule barn alive through historical photos and exhibits. CAES News
Dundee Cafe
Renovation of a 1913 mule barn on the University of Georgia Griffin campus is complete, with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting today celebrating its new purpose as the Dundee Cafe. Made possible by a $1 million gift from the Dundee Community Association, the cafe will serve students, employees and visitors as well as keep the memory of Dundee Mills and the historic mule barn alive through historical photos and exhibits.
A Fayette County 4-H'er celebrates with her agent after winning a Georgia 4-H Project Achievement competition. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Impact
As a Georgia 4-H agent, Pamela Bloch knows that 4-H can change the lives of young people. To the uninitiated, however, that impact can be hard to describe.
Ines Beltran spent the week of June 15, 2018, teaching UGA Extension's Healthy Brain program, which she developed, to more than 220 Colombian occupational health and psychology students. University Corporation God's Minute's distance education program would like Beltran to teach more programs virtually from Georgia. CAES News
Brain Health
Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Agent Ines Beltran, of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Gwinnett County, recently combined two of her favorite things — teaching people how to improve their health and visiting her home country of Colombia. She taught UGA Extension’s Healthy Brain program to more than 220 students at the University Corporation God’s Minute in Bogotá, Colombia.
This photo shows what a crop looks like when it's protected with row covers for four weeks (left) versus being left without row covers (right). CAES News
Row Covers
Row covers, material used to protect plants from the cold and wind, can also protect squash from disease-carrying squash bugs and other insect pests, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Plant Pathologist Elizabeth Little.
Peanuts growing at the Lang Farm on the UGA Tifton campus in 2017. CAES News
Irrigating Peanuts
Georgia peanut farmers can save money, conserve water and produce higher yields using a new irrigation scheduling recommendation, according to Wesley Porter, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension irrigation specialist.
Peanut Institute Research Director Dr. Samara Sterling speaks about a proposed project at a September 2018 meeting of the External Advisory Panel in Savannah, Ga. (Photo by Allison Floyd) CAES News
Peanut Innovation Projects
The Peanut Innovation Lab’s External Advisory Panel met in Savannah Sept. 17 and 18 to discuss and prioritize dozens of project ideas in the areas of peanut nutrition and the impacts of gender and youth on peanut production, two of the four areas of inquiry for the innovation lab.