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University of Georgia Cooperative Extension employees chosen for the 2018-19 UGA Extension Academy for Professional Excellence attended their first of three leadership institutes Sept. 4-6 in Athens, Georgia. The internal program is aimed at developing the next generation of UGA Extension leaders. CAES News
Extension Academy
A select group of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension employees has been chosen for the 2018-19 UGA Extension Academy for Professional Excellence — an internal program aimed at developing the next generation of leadership.
Turkestan cockroach, Blatta lateralis, a cockroach species from Turkey has been recorded for the first time in Georgia, according to University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences entomologist Dan Suiter. Photo by Lisa Ames, UGA Cooperative Extension. CAES News
New Roach
A new cockroach species from Turkey has been recorded for the first time in Georgia, according to University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences entomologist Dan Suiter.
Calvin Perry instructs 4-H campers during the annual 4-H20 camp at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in 2018. The park will host its field day on July 18. CAES News
Clean 13 Report
Thanks to its pledge to help farmers use irrigation more efficiently, the University of Georgia’s C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park has been included in the Georgia Water Coalition’s 2018 Clean 13 Report.
Rainfall during August was heavier than normal over the western half of the state and lighter over the eastern half. CAES News
August Weather
Heavy rainfall across the western half of Georgia helped to keep daytime temperatures low, while nighttime temperatures were a little above normal throughout August. 
About 160 soybean scientists tour UGA's Iron Horse during the 2018 Soybean Breeders Tour. CAES News
Soy Conference
People don’t often associate Georgia with soybeans, but for a time last week, the state became the epicenter for international soybean science.
UGA graduate student Chandler Mulvaney (right) is shown with UGA alumnus Hiram Larew (center) and UGA Office of Global Programs Director Amrit Bart at the annual Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development meeting in Washington, D.C. Mulvaney was able to attend the conference thanks to funding provided by Larew. CAES News
Development Conference
After spending a year in Ghana working to provide support to farmers and leading a 4-H-style program for children, Chandler Mulvaney has a passion for international agriculture. 
UGA-Tifton professor Greg Fonsah talks to a student during UGA ShowCAES in 2016. CAES News
ShowCAES 2018
The University of Georgia Tifton campus invites high school and college students to ShowCAES 2018, an annual recruitment event that educates students and their parents about admission requirements and academic programs that are offered by UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
The Asian longhorned tick, an invasive tick species recently identified in several Eastern U.S. states, has been documented as far south as North Carolina. CAES News
Tick Smart
Georgia is already home to 22 species of ticks, but there may be another tiny bloodsucker hiding in the woods on your next hike.
Georgia farmers will soon be harvesting their cotton crop. It's important for cotton producers to know when to defoliate to speed up the crop's maturity process. CAES News
Field Day
Farmers and industry supporters are invited to the annual University of Georgia Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018, on the UGA Tifton campus and UGA research farms in Tift County.