Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 99

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
A bean plataspid crawls on the side of a home in northeast Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu bug multiplies and spreads
Just shy of a year from when it was first spotted in northeast Georgia, the insect now commonly called the “kudzu bug” continues to mystify homeowners and agricultural researchers.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Feed spring lawn now
Fertilize grasses now for a lush, green lawn next spring neighbors will envy. I know what you’re thinking: “Why should I fertilize my lawn in the fall before dormancy?” You’re probably hoping it will quit growing soon so you don’t have to mow any more.
Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Tropical plant tips
University of Georgia horticulturist Bodi Pennisi will discuss the best annual and tropical plants for Georgia home and professional landscapes at the Sept. 21 meeting of the Georgia Perennial Plant Association.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Fall garden expo set
The seventh annual Hall County Master Gardeners’ Fall Garden Expo is set for Sept. 24–25.
Fall armyworm on a blade of grass CAES News
Armyworms destroy Georgia turf
Almost every year in late summer, caterpillars invade turfgrass across Georgia. Damage to established turf is mostly aesthetic, but newly planted sod or sprigged areas can be severely damaged or even killed.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgids suck up the cells from the needles and prevent the tree from transferring water and conducting photosynthesis. The first obvious sign of an infestation is thinning foliage; the needles fall off and the crown starts thinning out. From a distance, trees look gray. CAES News
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Thousands of broken trees line the banks of the Chattooga River. The dead, gray stabs were once evergreen monsters offering shade to trout and picturesque views to visitors. These Eastern hemlocks are native to north Georgia, but they are dying rapidly.
Students share food harvested from the UGArden. CAES News
UGA garden
Eating locally grown food is now easier than ever for students at the University of Georgia. With the new campus community garden, students can harvest their own vegetables while learning gardening techniques.
Spring dead spot attacks a lawn CAES News
Treat turfgrass diseases now
Fall is a great time to guard against spring and summer diseases on warm-season grasses.
Soil covered spade laying in compost pile CAES News
Clean, oil and sharpen tools now
If you don’t plan to grow a fall garden, fall can be the perfect time to inspect, repair and clean your gardening tools.