Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 76

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Chipper/shredder basics
If your wish list this season includes a chipper or shredder to remove limbs and leaves from your landscape, follow these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension before making a hasty purchase.
EDGE Expo logo CAES News
The Urban Ag Council of Georgia will host its annual Edge Expo for landscape professionals on Dec. 5-6 at the Gwinnett Civic and Cultural Center in Duluth, Ga.
Freshly ground woodchips CAES News
Mulch 101
Mulch is great in the right quantity, but can be a handicap to plant growth if applied incorrectly.
Female golden garden spider CAES News
Spider time
It seems to me that fall is spider time as I notice spider webs hanging from everything imaginable. I’ve seen dew-covered spider webs strung between power lines, and I’ve encountered a web of two in my face when I walked out my front door.
While parts of Georgia received almost 8 inches of rain this month other areas saw barely an inch of precipitation CAES News
October weather
Temperatures in Georgia were within one degree of normal across the state in October. Rainfall continued to be light across most of the state, continuing a trend from a dry September. A narrow band stretching from Columbus to the northeast mountains was the only area of the state that received higher than normal rainfall.
A red maple tree blooms on the campus of the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Adding shade
The glaring summer heat may have you convinced to add more shade to your landscape. Fall is the perfect time to plant trees to create that needed shade.
Snapdragons in bloom CAES News
Hardy snapdragons
The snapdragon is one of the best plants for adding fall color to a landscape, and it thrives through winter until the heat of late spring arrives.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Spotted greens
Growing and eating collards, turnips and other greens are a Southern tradition. But home gardeners often complain of spots on the leaves of homegrown greens.
Red and Yellow tulips planted in a bed on the UGA Athens campus. April 2008. CAES News
Spring bulbs
Spring flowering bulbs, such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses, add lots of color and visual enjoyment to early spring flower beds. These bulbs are among the first flowers to appear in spring and signal that cold weather is on the way out and warmer days are just around the corner.