Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 67

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Shelbie Jordan, a Grady County 4-H student, tries to keep a bubble afloat on Tuesday at the Stripling Irrigation Research Park. CAES News
4-H20 camp
Water and 4-H make for a good team. Together, they’re making a splash this week as children are educated and entertained about water’s role in everyday life at the sixth annual 4-H2O camp.
Tim Coolong will start July 1 at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Tifton campus. CAES News
Coolong to start July 1
Tim Coolong has a passion for studying vegetable production. The University of Georgia is an attractive destination for renowned scientists. Together, they are a match made in agricultural heaven.
Tomato cages keep plants secure in a garden in Albany, Ga. CAES News
Late Season Tomatoes
Home gardeners who want to add more tomato plants to their garden, may want to consider growing transplants from suckers.
Glyphosate damage on tomato. CAES News
Herbicide Transfer
After fielding a number of calls and examining plant samples brought in to the Bartow County Extension Office, I have decided vegetable gardeners are probably better off not using hay or manure in their gardens.
Southern Mole Cricket CAES News
Mole cricket time
Recent rains and warm weather have mole crickets out in full force, wreaking havoc in lawns. Mole crickets damage turf by feeding on plant roots, stems and leaves. And, they tunnel through the soil. Their feeding is not considered as damaging as their tunneling, however, significant feeding injury does occur in pastures.
Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Butterfly garden
There is no more delightful decoration for a flower garden than butterflies fluttering from bloom to bloom.
Dr. Allan Armitage, author and UGA horticulturalist, Introduces gardeners to this year's must have plants at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia's annual Plantapalooza plant sale in April. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Friends, fellow plant lovers and groupies are invited to take one last walk around the Garden with Dr. A at the Trial Gardens at UGA’s annual Public Open House on July 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This diagram shows the locations and numbered sequence of cuts to remove a branch from a tree. CAES News
Summer pruning
This year’s extraordinarily wet winter and spring has and will continue to stimulate rapid production of new leaves in many of our woody landscape plants. This lush new growth may now need to be trimmed to prevent shading of vegetable gardens and flowerbeds.
Recently hatched kudzu bug nymphs CAES News
Kudzu bugs
Kudzu bugs’ diets consist of mostly kudzu and soybeans, but more and more often they’re getting blamed for devouring all sorts of plants.