Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 17

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Georgia sod producers are scrambling to provide more zoysia this season. The popularity of the grass coupled with the wet growing season has their supplies running low. UGA turfgrass researchers Paul Raymer (left) and Alfredo Martinez (right) are shown inspecting a roll of sod with retired UGA Extension turfgrass specialist Gil Landry. CAES News
Zoysia Shortage
Zoysiagrass is gaining in popularity throughout Georgia. Couple increased popularity with a wet and overcast 2018 growing season and some Georgia sod producers are seeing a decline in their inventory.
Students in the UGA Horticulture Club prepare for their Spring Plant Sale, which will be held April 6-8 and April 12-15. CAES News
Job Placement
It’s graduation season, and for graduating college seniors, that means it’s time to join the job market.
Based on the UGA Griffin campus, Bodie Pennisi coordinates a statewide program that supports the professional landscape industry. She also assists UGA Extension agents with landscape troubleshooting, landscape planning and local programming, and she conducts applied research on wildflowers and ornamental plants. CAES News
Pennisi Awarded
University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Professor Bodie Pennisi has been named a UGA Public Service and Outreach (PSO) Faculty Fellow for 2019-2020. The program provides UGA professors with an opportunity to apply their research and course curriculum to the needs of a specific PSO unit at the university.
When it comes to insect pest problems in a vegetable garden, leaf-footed bugs are among the most difficult to control. The immature stage of the bug is bright orange. This adult leaf-footed bug sits atop a tomato that has cracked, likely from too much moisture. CAES News
Gardening Tips
Bob Westerfield has grown a vegetable garden at home for the past 30 years, and every workday he helps Georgians do the same. As the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist, Westerfield grows vegetables to document successes, watch for problems to learn how to solve them, and share this knowledge through classes and UGA publications.
Beekeeper and bees at the UGA Bee Laboratory on the university's Horticulture Research Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Bee Institute
The national push to save pollinating insects has brought the plight of the honeybee and the art of beekeeping to the forefront. Those interested in becoming a beekeeper, as well as established beekeepers who need certification, can learn the latest research-based information at the annual Beekeeping Institute, May 22-25, at Young Harris College in Young Harris, Georgia.
Perfect composting conditions require the perfect combination of materials — not too much brown matter, not too much green matter, not too cold and not too dry. CAES News
Composting 101
International Compost Awareness Week is May 5 to 11 and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices across the state are prepared to provide advice for homeowners who want to start recycling their food and landscape waste into compost to improve their soil.
A push mower used to mow turfgrass. CAES News
Green Up
While many warm-season turfgrass species have shown signs of significant green-up, some grasses and locations still have an appearance of being dormant or slowly transitioning.  
UGA Extension Master Gardeners gather at their annual conference in April at UGA's State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens. To celebrate 40 years of service, they hosted David Gibby, far right, who founded the nation's first Master Gardener program in 1972. CAES News
Master Gardeners Milestone
For the past 40 years, Georgians have been helping their friends and neighbors build better landscapes, plant healthier gardens and protect their local ecosystems through the University of Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer program.
Small tomatoes growing on vine CAES News
Tomato Types
The desire for fresh, homegrown tomatoes is the main reason many homeowners plant gardens. Most tomato plants are planted in late March and April, and every spring some homeowners run into problems with their tomato plants.