Browse Environment Stories - Page 44

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Jason Schmidt is UGA Tifton's newest entomologist. CAES News
UGA Entomologist
The University of Georgia’s newest entomologist is eyeing a different approach to studying insects in multiple agricultural crops. Instead of focusing on how to eliminate pests that reduce yield and negatively impact profits, UGA entomologist Jason Schmidt is looking to improve agricultural management systems to preserve helpful insects.
While bee populations have been declining for the past several decades, urban beekeeping and public awareness of pollinators are on the rise. CAES News
Pollinator Protection
There are more than 4,000 species of native bees in North America — from plump, stalwart carpenter bees to the hardworking blueberry bees that help pollinate the state’s top fruit crop.
This is a file photo of a center pivot irrigation system being used. CAES News
Irrigation Systems
University of Georgia Extension irrigation specialist Wes Porter advises farmers to check their irrigation systems and equipment for any problems before getting in the field this spring.
Pictured is a dry land peanut field in east Tift County on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014. CAES News
Peanut Planting
Unusually warm weather conditions and high soil temperatures have Georgia farmers itching to plant peanuts, but University of Georgia peanut agronomist Scott Monfort cautions peanut producers to hold off until the end of April or beginning of May.
Celosia is one of many flowering plants that attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Other flowering plants that attract beneficial insects include aster, butterfly weed, coneflower, cosmos, rudbeckia, sunflower and zinnias. CAES News
Eco-friendly Garden
An eco-friendly container garden class has been set for Friday, May 15 at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden, off of Ellis Road in Griffin, Georgia.
While spring has sprung in much of Georgia, the state may see one last frost this weekend. CAES News
Late Frost
Even though we’re past the average date for last frost in parts of the Southeast, it is still possible for a cold blast to move through the area. By following the provided tips from UGA Extension, gardeners and homeowners can prepare their vulnerable plants for the worst.
Here's a closeup picture of blueberries being grown in Alapaha. Picture taken in May, 2013. CAES News
Blueberry Freeze
Early blueberry varieties felt the chill of deep freezes during January and February, according to University of Georgia blueberry specialist Erick Smith.
Mike Toews, entomologist on the UGA Tifton Campus, works in corn in a storage bin on campus. CAES News
Stored Corn
Farmers usually rush to get their crops to market to get the best price, but if stored properly, field corn held for eight to nine months brings higher prices than recently harvested corn, according to a University of Georgia expert.
Tropical Storms
Tropical storms may cause havoc for coastal homeowners, but the rainfall they bring recharges the water balance and keeps soil moist in the summer, according to University of Georgia climatologist Pam Knox. Lack of tropical storm activity in 2014 contributed to Georgia’s prolonged drought, she said.