Browse Weeds, Diseases and Pests Stories - Page 28

480 results found for Weeds, Diseases and Pests
Use tweezers to remove ticks. Pinch the tick close to the mouthparts to remove as much as possible. If the tick head is left behind, don't worry. Having a tick attach itself to your skin is like having a thorn. Your body will expel it over time. CAES News
Ticks in Georgia
Every summer, Georgians head to the mountains and forests to escape the heat. Many return home with a few unintended souvenirs—ticks.
UGA Extension coordinator Tim Varnedore harvests samples from research plots. CAES News
Exobasidium Disease
University of Georgia researchers have found lime sulfur to be an effective option for blueberry farmers treating for Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot, a disease that affects the crop’s yield and marketability.
Pictured is a cotton plant impacted by thrips damage. CAES News
Thrips Management
University of Georgia researchers are studying management strategies for thrips, a pest that cotton and peanut farmers encounter every year.
Jason Schmidt is UGA Tifton's newest entomologist. CAES News
UGA Entomologist
The University of Georgia’s newest entomologist is eyeing a different approach to studying insects in multiple agricultural crops. Instead of focusing on how to eliminate pests that reduce yield and negatively impact profits, UGA entomologist Jason Schmidt is looking to improve agricultural management systems to preserve helpful insects.
Sawfly damage on roses CAES News
Rose Sawflies
Dozens of calls and samples of roses with a variety of leaf problems are coming into the University of Georgia Extension office in Bartow County. The most common problem diagnosed this year is injury caused by rose sawflies, also known as rose slugs.
Pictured is a dry land peanut field in east Tift County on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014. CAES News
Peanut Planting
Unusually warm weather conditions and high soil temperatures have Georgia farmers itching to plant peanuts, but University of Georgia peanut agronomist Scott Monfort cautions peanut producers to hold off until the end of April or beginning of May.
The brown marmorated stink bug, a native of Asia, can be found in 42 states and two Canadian provinces, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To date, it is classified as a nuisance pest in Georgia, but could quickly become an agricultural pest if it gets to cotton fields and blueberry patches. CAES News
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
A University of Georgia entomologist is asking Georgians to help track an insect that loves to stowaway in homes and has the potential to hurt the state’s cotton and blueberry crops. The brown marmorated stink bug, a native of Asia, was first spotted in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in 1998 and has since been found in 42 states and two Canadian provinces, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To date, it is classified as a nuisance pest in Georgia, but could quickly become an agricultural pest, too.
This picture shows tomato spotted wilt virus damage in peanuts in 2011. CAES News
TSWV Research
A University of Georgia entomologist is searching for a way to control tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) by studying thrips – the insect that carries the disease.
Pictured is orange cane blotch, showing the splitting that occurs on the canes. CAES News
Orange Cane Blotch
University of Georgia researchers have found a treatment that kills up to 70 percent of a disease that attacks blackberry plants.