Browse General Agriculture Stories - Page 35

528 results found for General Agriculture
University of Georgia agricultural specialist Robbie Beck clears a plot of land on the UGA Westbrook Farm in preparation for the Sept. 17 Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day. CAES News
Agroforestry & Wildlife Field Day
Controlling coyotes and clearing trees will top the list of popular topics at the Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day on Thursday, Sept. 17, at the University of Georgia’s Westbrook Research Farm in Griffin, Georgia.
Amber Rice teaches in the ALEC Department on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Tifton Ag Ed
The newest addition to the University of Georgia Tifton Campus faculty has a hefty goal: train the best agriculture teachers in the nation and produce enough graduates to fill all of the open agricultural education teaching positions in Georgia.
Sub-surface drip irrigation gets implemented in a field at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia. CAES News
Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation systems have long helped Georgia vegetable farmers grow high yielding crops. Sub-surface drip irrigation can help some Georgia peanut farmers water their crops more efficiently, according to a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert. And, it won’t interfere with peanut digging equipment.
Brown patch disease in fescue. CAES News
Lawn Soil Tests
In home lawns, a routine soil test will help reveal any underlying issues relating to soil nutrition or pH. This is often the first step to ruling out any problems like thin spots and dead patches.
A deer dines on pasture grass in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Forestry Field Day
Landowners can learn how to care for their land at the 2015 Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day. The tri-annual educational event is set for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia.
Two women tour the organic production plots at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm during UGA's 2014 Organic Twilight Tour. CAES News
Organic Farm Tour
Organic and sustainable agriculture experts from the University of Georgia will host their fourth annual Organic Twilight Tour on Tuesday, June 23 from 6-8 p.m. at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' Durham Horticulture Farm, 1221 Hog Mountain Road, Watkinsville, Georgia.
Small flocks of chicken can provide families with eggs, meat and hours of entertainment. CAES News
Backyard Chickens
UGA Extension in Forsyth County is launching a series of intensive summer workshops for those who raise or who would like to raise backyard chickens. The classes will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on June 4, 11, 18 and 25 in Cumming. Pre-registration is required and each class costs $5.
UGA graduate student Chase Straw is working with Associate Professor of Crop and Soil Sciences Gerald Henry to use the ground sensing Toro PS60000 to create more efficient maintenance regimens for turf areas on UGA's Athens Campus. CAES News
Sustainability Grants
Two College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) students are using their academic experiences to affect lasting change on the University of Georgia’s Athens Campus.
Food hubs aggregate produce from small farmers to meet larger produce orders, like those placed by schools, retailers and restaurants. CAES News
Food Hub Plan
The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia’s food hub, housed in its Rabun County facility, will be the first in the country to leverage a regional food bank’s supply chain to help farmers aggregate and preserve their produce. In partnership with University of Georgia Extension, the organizations will join forces to increase access to local food and local jobs.