Browse General Agriculture Stories - Page 34

528 results found for General Agriculture
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Ag Honors
J. Scott Angle, former dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, received the Earl Douglas Harris Memorial AGHON Award from AGHON at UGA. Angle, who now serves as president and CEO of the International Fertilizer Development Center, is one of only a few to be given the award in the past 30 years.
UGA entomologist Ashfaq Sial inspects a blueberry bush for damage. CAES News
Spotted Wing Drosophila
A tiny fly is having a huge impact on American fruit farmers. Known as spotted wing drosophila, the insect is costing famers more than $700 million a year in lost produce and prevention costs.
While isolated areas of Georgia saw more rain than normal, the vast majority of the state received 1 to 3 inches less rain than normal during September 2015. CAES News
September Climate
Despite Georgians’ constant umbrella use of late, most of September 2015 was actually drier than normal.
Brad K Hounkpati is shown in his UGA office with images of his lady bug collection shown on his computer screen. CAES News
International Graduate Research
In 2015, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) expanded a program that funds graduate student research travel, with remarkable results.
Ag Hall of Fame
The Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame has two new members: former U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss and the late Thomas Richard Breedlove Sr., a pioneering northeast Georgia dairy farmer. Breedlove and Chambliss were inducted Sept. 25 as part of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Banquet and Awards Ceremony.
Andrea Scarrow, UGA Extension Southwest District FACS program development coordinator, speaks during an Annie's Project Workshop held in Albany on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015. CAES News
Female farmers
Women own 13.6 percent of America’s active farms and their farms produce almost $13 billion worth of goods each year. Just like male farmers, they need access to business and technical information to help make their farms successful. But while many pride themselves on not needing a “women’s only” class on how to work the land or run a business, many other women simply feel more comfortable learning around other female farmers.
Fall is the perfect time to install new trees or shrubs or to move existing ones to new locations. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts recommend digging the planting hole two to three times the diameter of the soil ball. CAES News
Tree Planting
The transition of leaf color symbolizes an end to the growing season, but it is the best time of year to start trees in our landscape. When correctly sited and planted, a fall-planted tree will perform better than a spring-planted tree because the fall tree will establish roots before the warm summer temperatures draw moisture from and cause stress to the tree.
Forestry Field Day
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are teaming up to host a Southeast Georgia Forestry Field Day and Workshop. Georgia landowners, timber managers and forestry industry personnel are encouraged to attend the free event.
Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black examines a pumpkin field at Jaemor Farms with farm manager Drew Echols, Rep. Terry England, UGA President Jere Morehead, CAES Dean J. Scott Angle and other officials during the UGA President's Third Annual Farm Tour. CAES News
UGA President's Farm Tour
From vineyards and vegetable patches to state-of-the-art food processing and food safety operations, agriculture in northeast Georgia is made up of a large and diverse set of enterprises.