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Grow It Know It students Lucy Gibson, a junior in the Clarke Central High School; Jean Ayala Figueroa, an 8th grader at Clarke Middle School; Destiny Strickland, 8th grade at Coile Middle School and Mara Smith, a freshman at Clarke Central High School represent the Grow It Know It program celebrate Georgia Organic's Golden Radish Awards on Oct. 22. CAES News
Grow It Know It
Anyone who has ever been to a meal prepared by Clarke County Schools’ Grow It Know It students knows that the program is special, and now the state knows as well. 
Georgia 4-H members learn valuable public speaking skills through District Project Achievement. Students, like these Taliaferro County girls, research a topic and then present their findings to an audience of their peers. CAES News
4-H Week
Georgia 4-H inspires kids to do — to do community service, go to new places and to learn new skills. Georgians across the state are celebrating everything 4-H’ers do during National 4-H Week on Oct. 7-13. What started as a club for farm kids has grown into the nation’s largest youth leadership organization — a place where school-aged children learn to become successful and confident adults.
Sophia Rodriguez of Liberty County is among the 50 Georgia 4-H members who were awarded first place in their category during State 4-H Congress held July 24-27. Rodriguez competed in the health category. CAES News
Master 4-H'ers
Competing against their peers across the state, fifty Georgia 4-H members ultimately earned the coveted title of “Master 4-H’er” at the annual Georgia 4-H State Congress, held July 24-27 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Education and open lines of communication are key for parents to help their children through a cyberbullying situation. CAES News
Students today spend more time online than anywhere else, so it’s not a surprise that some of the worst behavior adults remember from their own teenage years — gossiping and bullying — has followed students online and into their newly built social networks.
Fulton County University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent Laurie Murrah-Hanson teaches a Yoga for Kids class to Fulton County 4-H'ers. CAES News
Yoga Kids
Georgia 4-H focuses on teaching kids about their heads, hearts, health and hands. When 4-H clubs started offering Yoga for Kids three years ago, the program was a perfect fit.
Liberty County 4-H member Sophia Rodriguez created the Tie Dye for Troops program to facilitate an open dialogue in which youths can explore and express their emotions. Rodriguez and fellow 4-H leaders visit the Fort Stewart School Age Centers each month to teach lessons on the importance of feelings, color and creativity. CAES News
Rodriquez Honored
Sophia Rodriguez, a Hinesville, Georgia, 4-H member, has been awarded the national 2018 4-H Youth in Action Healthy Living Pillar Award. Rodriguez received the award for her effort to promote the emotional well-being of children in military families through her Tie Dye for Troops program. She will be recognized at the National 4-H Council Legacy Awards in Washington, D.C., this month.
University of Georgia Extension experts say that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water to effectively clean them. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand-washing. Sanitizer can be used in the event that soap and water are not available, but soap and water are always the best choice for hand-washing. CAES News
Flu Prevention
Hand-washing is critical to protecting yourself and loved ones from catching the flu this season, according to Roxie Price, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent for Tift County.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that between 80 and 90 percent of car seats are not correctly installed. This image shows the correct and incorrect ways to use a child safety car seat. CAES News
Car Seat Safety
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents in Telfair and Tattnall counties help children travel safely by teaching their parents how to properly install car seats.
National 2017 4-H Youth in Action Citizenship winner Amelia Day is a recent high school graduate from Fort Valley, Georgia. As a Georgia 4-H member, she created Operation: Veteran Smiles, a project that provides care packages to veterans in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. CAES News
4-H Week
Six million students across America participate in 4-H and, of those, more than 170,000 call Georgia home. To raise awareness of the state’s largest youth development organization, the week of Oct. 1-7 has been declared National 4-H Week.