Browse Plant Pests and Diseases Stories - Page 27

243 results found for Plant Pests and Diseases
Mistletoe grows on a pear tree in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Mistletoe = parasite
Mistletoe is often used postmortem to lure unsuspecting sweethearts to a Christmastime kiss. For the other 364 days of the year, it is actually considered an infectious parasite that kills trees.
Engraver beetles leave pin-sized holds in the bark of pine trees when they exit the tree. CAES News
Pine bark beetles
Pine bark beetles can be the death of pines in forests and home landscapes.
The bean plataspid or kudzu bug CAES News
Keep out kudzu bugs
Temperatures are finally dropping in Georgia and people are staying inside to keep warm, and so are the famous kudzu bugs. University of Georgia experts offer tips on how to keep the tiny pests from invading your home.
Brown marmorated stink bug adults are 5/8 inch in length and are dark mottled brown. Antennas and exposed areas of the abdomen are banded. They were discovered in the U.S. in Allentown, Pa., in 2001. CAES News
Stink bug
More than 200 species of stink bugs call North America home. As many as 60 species live in Georgia. One more was recently discovered in southern South Carolina. The brown marmorated stink bug, or Halyomorpha halys, will likely soon invade Georgia, according to a University of Georgia entomologist.
Fall webworms CAES News
Nasty web makers
Are you noticing webs in some of the trees throughout your landscape? I always get multiple calls during the late summer and early fall about webs in trees and worms crawling on everything. The fall webworm is the pest weaving these problems.
Southern Mole Cricket CAES News
Tiny turfgrass tunnelers
Adult mole crickets spend winter underground. When temperatures warm, they emerge, feed and mate. Their flights begin in March and continue through June when their numbers, and damage, in an area can increase quickly.
Garden spider in web CAES News
13 Garden spiders
In the sunny days of spring, you won't even notice the tiny young of some beautiful spiders emerging in your garden. But keep watching. By late summer or early fall, you may be able to see these large, striking spiders as they trap and eat insect pests.
Land planarian or shovel-headed worm CAES News
14 Land planarian
From time to time, someone somewhere in Georgia turns over a rock or log and finds a grayish brown, flat worm with a head shaped like a half-moon. It's one of those things that, when you find it, you just have to find out what it is.
Saddleback caterpillar CAES News
Caterpillars and hives
Urticating caterpillars give you hives. No, really. The technical term for hives is urticaria. And one of the things that can cause it is a caterpillar.