Browse Plant Pests and Diseases Stories - Page 22

243 results found for Plant Pests and Diseases
Mark Abney will start his new position as UGA peanut entomologist on Monday, June 10. CAES News
New peanut entomologist
Raymond Noblet is nuts about the newest addition to the University of Georgia Entomology family.
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Pigweed leaving mark
The most destructive adversary to impact cotton production since the boll weevil is costing cotton farmers potential yields and profit
Michael Strand and Kevin D. Clark's recently published study refocused the way scientists view the development of melanin in insects. CAES News
Understanding insect defense
For scientists who study insects, having a correct model of how an insect forms melanin is important for not only their research on insect structures but also on how to control them. In a new study, published May 17 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, University of Georgia entomologists find that the model they and other scientists have been using is wrong.
Recently hatched kudzu bug nymphs CAES News
Kudzu bugs
Kudzu bugs’ diets consist of mostly kudzu and soybeans, but more and more often they’re getting blamed for devouring all sorts of plants.
University of Georgia Entomologist Rajagopalbabu Srinivasan examines a tomato plant on a plot on the Tifton campus. CAES News
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus has been a chronic threat to tomato production in South Georgia for more than a decade. The problem is only getting worse.
A group of Japanese beetles eat crape myrtle leaves CAES News
Japanese beetles
Adult Japanese beetles seldom become a problem when gardeners are following a regular spray schedule for the control of other insects. However, if you find yourself fighting Asian beetles, you can protect the foliage and fruit of most plants by spraying them with insecticides like sevin or malathion.
A Baldree Traffic Simulator is demonstrated on turfgrass plots on the UGA-Tifton Campus during Wednesday's Southeastern Turfgrass Conference. CAES News
Turfgrass Conference
Turfgrass experts from across the Southeast were in Tifton on Tuesday for the 67th annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference.
The bermudagrass stem maggot is having a major impact on forage production. CAES News
Bermudagrass stem maggot
A new invasive pest is having a major impact on bermudagrass hay production in south Georgia.
Kudzu bug CAES News
Kudzu bug control
Kudzu bugs have awakened from their winter slumber and can be found alighting on just about anything white or light-colored, from small cars to large trucks and homes to commercial buildings. University of Georgia experts say controlling this new pest isn’t as easy as spraying a pesticide.