Browse 4-H Stories - Page 23

226 results found for 4-H
Fulton County University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent Laurie Murrah-Hanson teaches a Yoga for Kids class to Fulton County 4-H'ers. CAES News
Yoga Kids
Georgia 4-H focuses on teaching kids about their heads, hearts, health and hands. When 4-H clubs started offering Yoga for Kids three years ago, the program was a perfect fit.
Walker County 4-H members (from left) Jenna Sweatmon, Lauren Pike, Tori Lawrence, Rylie Chamlee and 4-H agent and team coach Casey Hobbs celebrate after pitching their Cheez Beez snack cracker concept at the 2018 Georgia 4-H Food Product Development Contest. CAES News
4-H Food Product
Busy lives and busy schedules often mean that families put convenience ahead of nutrition when it comes to eating on the go, but Georgia 4-H’ers have developed new food products that add a nutritional punch to the ready-to-eat food market.
Georgia 4-H now offers the Setting Your Sights on Medical School program to expose students from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school. Members of 4-H must apply to the program, and accepted students travel to Macon for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer faculty and students. CAES News
Future Doctors
To expose 4-H’ers from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school, Georgia 4-H has created a program called “Setting Your Sights on Medical School.” Select students travel to Macon, Georgia, for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer University Medical School students and faculty.
Chef Daniel Peach of Botiwalla checks in on school-aged chefs Nile Smith of Roswell North Elementary School, Isaiah Farrow of Georgia Connections Academy, and Parker Payne of Woodward Academy as they put the finishing touches on their kale salad and grilled cheese sandwich during the inaugural Fulton Fresh Kids Cooking Competition. CAES News
Cooking Competition
Does your child ever watch cooking competition shows like “Chopped Junior” or Iron Chef America” and say, “I could do that!”? Fulton Fresh is offering children that chance this spring with their second annual spring Fulton Fresh Cooking Competition on Wednesday, May 30. 
"I am Georgia 4-H" logo CAES News
Paper Clovers
Tractor Supply Company and Georgia 4-H have partnered to send kids to Georgia 4-H summer camps, and other 4-H competitions, through the annual Spring Paper Clover Campaign.
Grady County 4-H member Lilly Norton works with a calving simulator to deliver a calf. CAES News
4-H Vet Lab Day
Thirty-six 4-H members from 14 Georgia counties visited the University of Georgia Tifton campus Thursday, March 15, for 4-H Veterinary Science Career Exploration Day.
At Rock Eagle 4-H Center, students learn about pioneer life at the Scott Site. They pump water from a well, wash clothes on a washboard and gain an appreciation for modern-day life. This year, they planted a vegetable garden and provided produce for the center's dining hall. CAES News
Rock Eagle Garden
The heritage garden at Rock Eagle 4-H Center’s Scott Site is more than a teaching tool, it’s a living museum.
Liberty County 4-H member Sophia Rodriguez created the Tie Dye for Troops program to facilitate an open dialogue in which youths can explore and express their emotions. Rodriguez and fellow 4-H leaders visit the Fort Stewart School Age Centers each month to teach lessons on the importance of feelings, color and creativity. CAES News
Rodriquez Honored
Sophia Rodriguez, a Hinesville, Georgia, 4-H member, has been awarded the national 2018 4-H Youth in Action Healthy Living Pillar Award. Rodriguez received the award for her effort to promote the emotional well-being of children in military families through her Tie Dye for Troops program. She will be recognized at the National 4-H Council Legacy Awards in Washington, D.C., this month.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Seed Swap
Gardeners in search of new vegetable and flower varieties to test this spring, or those with a surplus of seeds, should consider attending Rock Eagle 4-H Center’s annual seed swap. The Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia, will host this year’s seed swap on Saturday, March 17, as part of the Saturday @ the Rock event series.