Browse 4-H Stories - Page 22

226 results found for 4-H
Held in partnership with National 4-H Council, the Tractor Supply Paper Clover fundraiser collectively raised $1,999,661 in 2018. In Georgia, 4-H members encourage residents in their counties to participate. Last year, these Hall County 4-H members set up an exhibit in their local Tractor Supply. CAES News
Kids to Camp!
This year Georgia raised $27,959 for the Paper Clover Campaign. Each year in the spring and fall, Tractor Supply Co. partners with Georgia 4-H to raise money to send Georgia students to 4-H summer camp. 
A Fayette County 4-H'er celebrates with her agent after winning a Georgia 4-H Project Achievement competition. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Impact
As a Georgia 4-H agent, Pamela Bloch knows that 4-H can change the lives of young people. To the uninitiated, however, that impact can be hard to describe.
Georgia 4-H members learn valuable public speaking skills through District Project Achievement. Students, like these Taliaferro County girls, research a topic and then present their findings to an audience of their peers. CAES News
4-H Week
Georgia 4-H inspires kids to do — to do community service, go to new places and to learn new skills. Georgians across the state are celebrating everything 4-H’ers do during National 4-H Week on Oct. 7-13. What started as a club for farm kids has grown into the nation’s largest youth leadership organization — a place where school-aged children learn to become successful and confident adults.
John Gorton of Sumter County has won the Georgia 4-H 2018 Watermelon Growing Contest with at 168.6-pound melon. CAES News
Watermelon Contest
With a watermelon weighing in at 168.6 pounds, John Gorton of Sumter County won the Georgia 4-H 2018 Watermelon Growing Contest.
Sophia Rodriguez of Liberty County is among the 50 Georgia 4-H members who were awarded first place in their category during State 4-H Congress held July 24-27. Rodriguez competed in the health category. CAES News
Master 4-H'ers
Competing against their peers across the state, fifty Georgia 4-H members ultimately earned the coveted title of “Master 4-H’er” at the annual Georgia 4-H State Congress, held July 24-27 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Crawford County ANR and 4-H agent Sarah Greer looks in a sweep net to see if her 4-H student caught any insects. CAES News
Cotton STEM Workshop
A select group of Georgia 4-H members learned about cotton production and the crop’s global impact as part of a daylong Cotton STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Workshop held on the University of Georgia Tifton campus on Thursday, July 19.
Andrea Scarrow pictured at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. CAES News
New Southwest District Director
Andrea Scarrow will lead University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s Southwest District as the district’s director. She will oversee all three Extension program areas — Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), and 4-H Youth Development — in 41 counties in the Southwest District. 
College Prep
While it's hard to imagine middle schoolers living on their own or heading off to college, students need to begin to think about their future education and career goals when they’re in middle school.
4-H members enjoyed a trip to UGA's Stripling Irrigation Research Park for 4-H20 camp on Wednesday, June 6. CAES News
4-H20 Camp
4-H20 camp, sponsored by the University of Georgia, educates south Georgia 4-H’ers about the importance of water conservation in agriculture.