Browse Horticulture Stories - Page 37

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'Bolvian Sunset' grows from 12 to 18 inches tall at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
'Bolivian Sunset'
Shady ground covers that bloom are sought-after in the gardening world, and ‘Bolivian Sunset’ is one of the most beautiful. Commonly called “hardy gloxinia,” it is cold hardy from zones 8 and higher, but everyone can enjoy it as a container plant on the deck and indoors, provided it has a shady or filtered-light location.
The flower stalks of the soap aloe plant can grow to be 24 to 36 inches tall. CAES News
Soap Aloe
Soap aloe is one of those plants that stirs up a passion in gardeners and plant aficionados across the country. Known as Aloe maculate, you would swear it is from Mexico at first glance, but it’s actually from South Africa, more than 9,000 miles away.
Of the three Sombrero varieties planted last spring, which were all good performers, 'Granada Gold' took the cake. The flawless golden flowers bloomed profusely with a beautiful floral presentation and lasted longer than the other two. CAES News
Classic City Awards
Summer’s end often means that spring’s colorful annuals have started to fade, but the end of Georgia’s growing season also means it’s time to debut the University of Georgia Trial Gardens’ annual Classic City Award winners. These awards represent plants that thrived during the punishing conditions of a Georgia summer.
'NuMex Easter' ornamental peppers won the All-America Selections award for its outstanding performance. CAES News
New Mexico Peppers
‘NuMex Easter’ peppers are small, compact plants that reach up to 12 inches tall and as wide, but they load up with more colorful peppers than you would ever imagine for that size of a plant. They make great border plants for the traditional landscape and will dazzle in herb or tropical gardens.
A peach tree touches the ground after tropical storm winds blew through the University of Georgia's research peach orchard on the Dempsey Farm in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Leaning Trees
Farmers aren’t the only ones busy working in their fields to repair damage from Tropical Storm Irma. As the University of Georgia’s peach specialist based on the UGA Griffin campus, my team and I have been busy trying to save young trees in our 3-year-old research orchard. Irma passed through Georgia with strong, sustained winds.
A crowd gathers at a past Ornamental Horticulture Research Field Day at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm. This year's tour, which is free and open to the public, will be Oct. 6. CAES News
Horticulture Field Day
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Department of Horticulture will host Ornamental Horticulture Research Field Day at UGA’s Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6.
The 'Patti Faye' deodar cedar has steel blue foliage or needles. CAES News
Deodar Cedar
A Christmas-tree-shaped conifer, 'Patti Faye' is a classic conifer that is cold hardy through zone 7. Most deodar cedars have pendulous branching that is ever so graceful, but this is what makes ‘Patti Faye’ deodar cedar so incredible. Also called the “Himalayan cedar,” the deodar cedar does have the ability to reach 40 to 50 feet with a 30-foot spread.
Ken James, owner and founder of James Greenhouses and University of Georgia alumni, talks about a hosta plant with (left to right) Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, UGA President Jere Morehead, and CAES Dean Sam Pardue in a production house at James Greenhouses in Colbert on the UGA Georgia Farm Tour. CAES News
Farm Tour
University of Georgia President Jere W. Morehead and state leaders learned more about challenges facing Georgia agriculture and Northeast Georgia's farms, nurseries and the agritourism industry Tuesday during the annual farm tour.
'Picante Salmon' salvia provides a rare color to the garden and looks incredible with blue evolvulus. CAES News
Scarlet Sage
New colors and varieties of scarlet sage will ensure a dazzling landscape or a sizzling mixed container for the whole gardening season. The Saucy series, ‘Saucy Wine’ and ‘Saucy Red,’ have both found fame in the Southern Living Plant Collection. ‘Saucy Coral’ has one of the rarest colors in the gardening world.