Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 15

264 results found for Food Science and Technology
Carolyn Einertson, who was mentored by Stephen Nickerson of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science, won first place in the oral presentation section of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium with her talk, “Using Pre-Calving Mammary Secretions to Predict Udder Infection Status in Dairy Heifers.” CAES News
Undergraduate Research
Almost 50 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) undergraduate students showcased their research projects and competed in the seventh annual CAES Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 11.
University of Georgia Research Professional David Mann works on a portable sequencer in food scientist Xiangyu Deng's laboratory in the UGA Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia. Deng has developed a one-step method of detecting and subtyping food pathogens called “metagenomics analysis.” The method is much quicker than traditional methods, and time is essential during outbreaks of foodborne illness. CAES News
Quicker Identification
Quick, efficient pathogen detection and fingerprinting is essential and often lifesaving when it comes to preventing foodborne illness. University of Georgia food scientist Xiangyu Deng has created a system that can identify foodborne pathogens much quicker than traditional methods.
Chef Dan Barber and Row 7 Seeds employee Charlotte Douglas tour the greenhouses at Whippoorwill Farms in Winterville, Georgia while Barber was in Athens to speak at the University of Georgia Tuesday, April 10. CAES News
In just under two decades, the local food movement has changed the way many people think about their food. Now it’s time for the next step: a local seed system.
Chef Daniel Barber will speak at UGA from 2-4 p.m. on April 10 at the Richard Russell Special Collections Library, sponsored by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Future of Food
Dan Barber, chef and national farm-to-table and sustainable food systems advocate, will deliver a lecture, “What Kind of Menu will Meet the Challenges of the Future? Exploring a New Recipe for Good Food from the Ground Up,” at the University of Georgia’s Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries on Tuesday, April 10.
The UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences held its second annual FABricate entrepreneurship challenge, final pitch contest March 28 at Conner Hall. 
Wished Trees', from left, Mary Kate and Rance Paxton; first place winners VTasteCakes' Jasmyn Reddicks, Ayodele Dare and Tatyana Clark and second place winners Kona Kola's John Tarleton, Alyssa Flanders and Lane Flanders pose with judges and supporters, from left, Laura Katz, Keith Kelly, Jim Flannery and Bob Pickney. CAES News
FABricate Winners
Three University of Georgia students earned $5,000 to bring their sweet business plan to fruition thanks to the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ FABricate entrepreneurship challenge. 
Judges in the preliminary round of the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Development Contest have chosen 33 products from around Georgia to compete in the final round of the competition. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2018
What’s better than reaching into your pantry or refrigerator and pulling out a delicious product that’s made in your state? The University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest helps to highlight the state's burgeoning food product scene with its annual competition.
This month, Michael Doyle retired from his position as director of the Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Doyle Retires
Twenty-six years ago, the University of Georgia hired Mike Doyle to create and lead a research center focused on detecting, controlling and eliminating foodborne pathogens in America’s food supply. This month, Doyle retired from his position as director of the world-renowned Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus.
Henk den Bakker is a food scientist with the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety, located on the UGA Griffin Campus. He received his master's degree in systematic biology, with a specialty in mycology and botany, from Leiden University in the Netherlands. His doctorate degree in mycology is from the National Herbarium of the Netherlands at Leiden University. He is a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Genetics Society of America. CAES News
Food Safety Bioinformatics
Food safety research usually involves analyzing live populations of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli, but University of Georgia food scientist Henk den Bakker fights pathogens by developing computer software. 
UGA alumnus Hiram Larew, back, celebrates with UGA food science graduate student Maria Moore and Director for Office of Global Programs Amrit Bart at the 2017 Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Conference. CAES News
Agricultural Development
When Maria Moore learned that scholarships were available to attend the Future Leaders Forum sponsored by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD), she immediately applied.