Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 82

752 results found for Crop and Soil Sciences
Irrigation of research plots on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. Be careful not to apply too much water as it can be just as costly as under watering. CAES News
Rules not as strict as during drought
New watering rules give Georgians more flexibility in their watering habits. Effective June 1, they can now run automated irrigation systems, lawn sprinklers or water by hand daily as long as they do so from 4 p.m. until 10 a.m.
Safe foods
A recent report in the journal Pediatrics suggests a possible link between organophosphate pesticides and increased risk of children developing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The report has some parents wondering if they should stay away from the produce aisle in the grocery store. University of Georgia experts say to learn the facts, thoroughly clean all produce and feed healthful fruits and vegetables to children.
Dr. Josef Broder, right, presents the Medallion of Honor to Minnie Foster, center left, and her sister Celestia Loden while Dr. J. Scott Angle explains the award. Broder is the associate dean of academic affairs at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Angle is the college's dean and director. CAES News
Sister Act
The life story of Celestia Loden and Minnie Foster is a profound portrait of America’s promise: Hard work, persistence and dedication lead to a rewarding life. The vision of that promise fulfilled was not lost on University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduates as they watched the 94- and 86-year-old sisters receive the college’s Medallion of Honor for Service during May 8 commencement exercises.
University of Georgia research technician Rodney Connell prunes turfgrass samples in a greenhouse on the campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Turf greening up
Homeowners and landscapers are beginning call their University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office with questions about warm-season turf lawns. Many are concerned that their lawn has been a victim of "winter kill" and they are looking for a solution to the problem.
Local, state and national officials ceremonially broke ground May 3 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus for the Agriculture Energy Innovation Center, which will be the centerpiece of an initiative to find ways to create energy-saving strategies or technologies that can be applied in a real-world way on a farm. CAES News
Energy innovations
Farmers want to do things efficiently. It makes sound business sense. Ground was ceremonially broken in Tifton, Ga., May 3 for a center to help them produce and use energy more efficiently on the farm.
Paul Wigley, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension coordinator in Calhoun County, talks to farmer Drew Collins on Jan. 28, 2010 in Morgan, Ga. CAES News
Hands-on research
University of Georgia research isn’t done just by professors in laboratories in Athens, Ga. It’s also conducted in fields, orchards and gardens statewide by UGA Cooperative Extension agents, who look to solve problems for the people in their counties.
Gardening how-to help
If you’re looking for reliable, up-to-date, free information about how to landscape your lawn this spring, which ornamentals, vegetables, native species or herbs to plant or how to compost and mulch, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension likely has a publication that will answer your questions.
El Niño dominates
An El Niño winter continued to dominate Georgia in January, bringing cold, rainy weather to much of the state.
Peaches hang in a south Georgia orchard July 2009. This year's cold winter has benefitted the state's peach crop. CAES News
Chilled peaches, blueberries
Georgia’s recent abnormally cold weather has been good for its developing peach and blueberry crops. But a warm spell now could cause blooms to emerge too soon.