Browse Crop and Soil Sciences Stories - Page 75

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University of Georgia research technician Rodney Connell prunes turfgrass samples in a greenhouse on the campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Waters-wise lawn research
Most gardeners know the secret to a successful garden is to start with good, nutrient-rich soil. University of Georgia researchers are using a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant to test this theory on turfgrass.
August Rain
August in Georgia was cooler than average across the state, but rainfall varied considerably from northwest to southeast. Generally the driest area was the metro Atlanta area, and the wettest areas stretched from south of Augusta and east towards the Georgia coast.
UGA farm sale
In its August meeting, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents approved the sale of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Plant Sciences Farm in Watkinsville, Ga. The 522-acre farm will be sold to the Townley Family Partnership for $11.4 million.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Lawn Repair
Many view fall as the time to pack up the lawn mower and give the lawn a rest. Fall is actually the best time to evaluate cool-season grasses, like tall fescue, that have just experienced high, summer temperatures.
An August 30, 2012 map detailing the precipitation over Georgia since Aug. 22. CAES News
Hurricane Isaac
Forecasters initially projected that rains from Hurricane Isaac could erase or at least put a large dent in Georgia’s drought, but the state has seen little relief.
Georgia farmer Relinda Walker displays organic peanuts on her farm. CAES News
Organic peanut research
Georgia farmers grow more than 45 percent of the nation’s peanut supply, but almost none of the organic peanuts that a growing number of consumers want.
Map showing precipitation totals across Georgia in July 2012. CAES News
July climate summary
Drought conditions in most parts of the state stabilized in July, although there was an increase in exceptional drought in west-central Georgia due to the heat and lack of rainfall.
Turfgrass Update
Camden and Glynn county Extension agents will host a green industry update and workshop for professional landscapers from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. August 28.
Bosede O. Oboh, CEO of ACASC Farms and president of Fate Foundation Alumni Association, learns about pecans at Rutland Farms. Oboh, who is from Nigeria, traveled with other African representatives to the UGA campus in Tifton as part of a State Department program to learn about agriculture in the United States. CAES News
UGA, agriculture and Africa
Farmers, entrepreneurs and policymakers — representing 13 different African nations from Mauritania to South Africa — visited the University of Georgia campus in Tifton to learn about farming practices, research and government programs supporting agriculture in Georgia.