Browse Animal and Dairy Science Stories - Page 26

274 results found for Animal and Dairy Science
Associate Dean for Academics Josef Broder stands with CAES Agricultural D.C. Fellows Valerie Noles, Rebecca Rykard, Heather Hatzenbuhler, William Moses and Lee Lister at the capital during summer 2013. CAES News
D.C. Fellows
With immigration reform, the farm bill and student loan negotiations making headlines this summer, the six University of Georgia students who spent the summer in Washington as College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences D.C. Ag Fellows were extremely busy.
Jacob Segers stands in a cow pasture on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Beef industry
Beef may be ‘what’s for dinner,’ but it’s also a big deal in Georgia agriculture — injecting about $409 million a year into the state’s economy and providing a livelihood for hundreds of Georgia families.
Here is a look at pinkeye in cattle in stage one. CAES News
Pinkeye hurting cattle
Back to school means more potential outbreaks for pink eye, a bacterial disease also called conjunctivitis. Thanks to increased rainfall this summer, pinkeye is also affecting the cattle industry.
Louis Boyd will be inducted into the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Ag Hall of Fame this year. CAES News
Ag Hall of Fame
The Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame will welcome two new inductees at a ceremony Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. in the UGA Hotel and Conference Center. Claud Adams, known as Georgia’s father of 4-H, and Louis Boyd, a leading animal scientist, were selected by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association awards committee.
Beef cattle prices are high now and reached historic highs earlier this year. Facing drought and feed shortage, though, southeastern cattle producers still must make tough decisions when it comes to their financial bottom lines and keeping herds healthy. The Southeast Cattle Advisor website was developed by cattle experts with the University of Georgia, Auburn University, University of Florida and Clemson University to be a one-stop shop for cattle producers to get information on how to best manage their risk. CAES News
Master Cattlemen
University of Georgia Extension will offer the Master Cattlemen’s Program this fall in Jackson County. The program will be held on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning Aug. 22 and ending Oct. 10.
UGA CAES mascot Caesar with horse CAES News
Horse seminar
The University of Georgia student chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners will host its annual Horse Owner’s Seminar on Aug. 10.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all rule to rotational grazing management, to provide forage rest and recovery and improve grazing efficiency, the first step is to get cattle moving. CAES News
Fescue toxicosis
Cattle producers should watch their herds for signs of fescue toxicosis. Conditions this spring are ideal for the deadly fungus that attacks tall fescue, the predominant forage crop in much of the United States. Forage management is key to prevention.
The bermudagrass stem maggot is having a major impact on forage production. CAES News
Bermudagrass stem maggot
A new invasive pest is having a major impact on bermudagrass hay production in south Georgia.
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza. CAES News
Farm-to-table pizza experience
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza.