Browse Weather Stories - Page 25

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Some areas of Georgia received significantly more rain than normal during May 2013, but left others too dry. CAES News
May Weather
May was wet, cool and cloudy throughout most of the state. That wet, cool weather kept the soil too wet to plant in some areas, while fields were too dry in others.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito Madness
This year’s unseasonably cool spring has left middle and north Georgia virtually mosquito free so far. But with the return of warmer nights that old familiar buzz won’t be far behind.
Third graders participate in the recycling relay race during Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day at the UGA-Tifton Campus. CAES News
Ag Awareness
Area third graders got a chance to get outside and explore Thursday morning on the Tifton campus of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Rainfall in April was near normal for most of Georgia. 
Drought conditions continued to shrink across the state during April due to the seasonal rainfall and cool spring temperatures; the only area of Georgia left in drought is a small sliver along southeast coast. CAES News
Drought almost gone
Drought conditions continued to shrink across the state during April due to the seasonal rainfall and cool spring temperatures; the only area of Georgia left in drought is a small sliver along southeast coast.
University of Georgia peanut agronomist John Beasley examines soil temperature at one of his field plots. CAES News
Chilly temps can doom peanuts
Knowing when to plant may be one of the most important parts of successful peanut farming.
Onlookers watch as an Air Robot 100B, an unmanned device, is demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. The demonstration was part of a two-day AUVSI Atlanta Chapter Unmanned Systems in Agriculture Conference. The Air Robot 100B, which is equipped with a video camera, is controlled by David Price (with controller), a senior research technologist at Georgia Tech. It is is designed to aid the military, police or fire department, by reaching a certain height and looking down on something. CAES News
Agricultural technology
Remote-controlled helicopters, unmanned aircraft equipped with imaging sensors; welcome to the future of agriculture.
Georgia received more rain this February than during any February over the past 100 years. CAES News
Record-breaking rains
Rainfall across Georgia in February set a new record with a statewide average of 9.92 inches, alleviating the state’s drought conditions and recharging soil moisture just in time for the 2013 planting season.
Farm pond in Coweta County on December 11, 2012 (courtesy C. McGehee, National Weather Service) CAES News
Warm December
Georgia experienced a much warmer than usual December. Temperatures were three to six degrees above normal across the state. Rainfall totals ranged from over eight inches in the northern regions of the state to less than an inch along the coast.
While cities and urban water supplies have not been as impacted by Georgia's current drought, middle Georgia farmers have seen more severe impacts than during Georgia's historic 2007-2009. CAES News
Drought update
The current drought in Georgia has caused significant problems for farmers in central Georgia and other areas of the state, but a lack of impact on the state’s larger cities and drinking water supplies has kept it off most Georgians’ radar.