Browse Industry Stories - Page 6

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The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Georgia Southern University will host the 2013 International Agribusiness Conference and Expo on Sept. 25-26 in Savannah, Ga., and will provide participants with information on what markets are open to their products, how to export their goods and what exporting can do for their bottom lines CAES News
International Agribusiness Conference and Expo
Gov. Nathan Deal will address the importance of international trade to the economic well-being of the state at the inaugural International Agribusiness Conference and Expo on Wednesday, Sept. 25-26, at 3:30 p.m
Will Ross, head grower at Evergreen Nursery in Statham, explains how a new automated micro-irrigation system developed by UGA researchers has helped him get these hostas — being grown for next spring — off to a good start. CAES News
Advanced Irrigation
A team of University of Georgia researchers has been able to reduce container nurseries’ water usage by 70 percent, as a result of new breakthroughs in computer-linked soil moisture sensors.
Participants of the CAES Global Food and Trade Study Abroad program in China. 

Pictured at The National Tea Museum Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province China.

L-R (Back Row), Christopher Cole Crawford, Dr. Glen Ames, Charnae Ross, Tea Professor from Tea Museum, Dr. Yao-wen Huang, David Rospond

L-R (Front Row) Xiameng Wu, XX (student from Shanghai Ocean University), Grace Melo Guerrero and Lauren Hudson CAES News
China trade
As one the United State’s largest trading partners, and a major consumer of Georgia agricultural products — like poultry and pecans — China is apt to play a major role in the future of food production. A group of University of Georgia students gained a better understanding of how the world's second largest economy ticks and the symbiosis of the U.S. and Chinese food industry during a study abroad there.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Georgia Southern University will host the 2013 International Agribusiness Conference and Expo on Sept. 25-26 in Savannah, Ga., and will provide participants with information on what markets are open to their products, how to export their goods and what exporting can do for their bottom lines CAES News
International Agribusiness Conference and Expo
While the Port of Savannah is already No. 2 in the nation for export tons, the Georgia Ports Authority hopes to double its capacity within the next decade. That’s good news for Georgia farmers.
Soybeans grow on a plant at a UGA lab in Athens. Soybean farmers will soon have a smart phone app to help know when to irrigate their crop. CAES News
Boerma honored
Roger Boerma, former professor of crop and soil sciences at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and current executive director of Georgia Seed Development, recently received the 2013 NAPB Plant Breeding Impact Award from the National Association of Plant Breeders and the Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee.
Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
Organic Twilight Tour
UGA organic and sustainable agriculture experts will host the second annual Organic Twilight Tour on July 11 at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences organic research farm in Watkinsville.
Dr. Allan Armitage, author and UGA horticulturalist, Introduces gardeners to this year's must have plants at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia's annual Plantapalooza plant sale in April. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Friends, fellow plant lovers and groupies are invited to take one last walk around the Garden with Dr. A at the Trial Gardens at UGA’s annual Public Open House on July 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Corn tassels stretch toward the sun in a Spalding County, Ga., garden. CAES News
Organic grain production
There are about 1 million acres of certified organic grain and oil seed fields in the United States, but not many in Georgia. The growing demand for organic grains and seed oils in the southeast could change that. With several new potential mills that can handle organic grain coming on line in Georgia, there are new opportunities to enter this growing market.
Workers at Bland Farms sort Vidalia onions. CAES News
Vidalia Seed Stems
Georgia’s wildly fluctuating temperatures in the first four months of the year played havoc on the state’s signature onion crop.