Browse Industry Stories - Page 4

125 results found for Industry
Food hubs aggregate produce from small farmers to meet larger produce orders, like those placed by schools, retailers and restaurants. CAES News
Food Hub Plan
The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia’s food hub, housed in its Rabun County facility, will be the first in the country to leverage a regional food bank’s supply chain to help farmers aggregate and preserve their produce. In partnership with University of Georgia Extension, the organizations will join forces to increase access to local food and local jobs.
Scott NeSmith visits with growers in Peru to examine blueberry varieties currently being grown there and to establish test sites for UGA blueberry germplasm. CAES News
Global Blueberries
University of Georgia researchers helped make blueberries the most valuable fruit crop in the state. Now they are reaching beyond the state lines to help farmers establish blueberry crops in Latin America, Asia and beyond.
Terence Center is an agricultural and environmental lawyer and a professor in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. CAES News
CAES Fulbright Scholar
UGA agricultural and environmental lawyer Terence Centner is in Europe’s oil and gas production capital this spring to study how regulations on hydraulic fracturing affect both the environment and energy companies.
The Ag Forecast 2015 series will be held Jan. 14-23 in Gainesville, Cartersville, Bainbridge, Lyons, Tifton and Macon. Registration for the series is open at CAES News
2015 Ag Forecast
From new varieties to new technologies and new markets, Georgia’s agricultural landscape is guaranteed to change every year. The University of Georgia’s team of agricultural economists will provide valuable insights into what 2015 will hold for the state’s largest industry during the 2015 Georgia Ag Forecast series.
Blue Suede blueberries CAES News
Georgia Exports Conference
More than 25 percent of Georgia-grown agricultural crops are exported to other countries and that percent is growing.
Cotton Market
Improved crop conditions across the nation have played a major role in driving cotton prices down dramatically over the past four months, says a University of Georgia economist.
UGA Crop Quality Lab manager Daniel Jackson with a load of research samples from the Vidalia Onion Research Center. CAES News
Onion Testing
This spring when southeast Georgia farmers started pulling their signature sweet Vidalia onions out of the ground, Daniel Jackson and his staff were preparing their lab for the coming onion onslaught.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Funding
University of Georgia peanut researchers have been granted $256,280 from the Georgia Peanut Commission to fund various peanut-related research projects in 2015.
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Plantapalooza 2014
The Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and the UGA Horticulture Club will team up to host Northeast Georgia’s premier plant sale on April 5.