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A viburnum plant showing leaf dieback from petioles. CAES News
Sudden Oak Death
University scientists and forestry experts are using rhododendron leaves as bait to detect the presence of a disease that can kill Georgia’s historic oak trees.
Paterson receives award CAES News
Paterson honored
University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Andrew Paterson has been awarded the 2011 Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation Agriscience Award.
Use tweezers to remove ticks. Pinch the tick close to the mouthparts to remove as much as possible. If the tick head is left behind, don't worry. Having a tick attach itself to your skin is like having a thorn. Your body will expel it over time. CAES News
Nix ticks
It’s summer, and outdoor activities are on the menu. Make sure you don’t end up on the menu of a blood-sucking travel partner when you are out and about, say University of Georgia experts.
Supermarket beef case at Buford Farmers Market CAES News
Safer beef products
University of Georgia scientists were awarded a five-year $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to study ways to kill foodborne pathogens on beef before it arrives on supermarket shelves and in restaurant kitchens.
Farm labor in demand
Changes in certain policies affecting farm labor and improved business strategies are needed to help farmers weather farm labor shortages, says a University of Georgia agricultural economist.
Patrick McCullough integrated the Smart Class application into the instruction for his Turf Pest Management class. CAES News
Turfgrass Technology
Patrick McCullough worked with fellow University of Georgia turfgrass scientists to build the first turfgrass application for smart phones. Now, he is harnessing the power of technology to teach his students.
A power-driven implement that disrupts weed growth CAES News
Fighting weeds organically
Outsmarting weeds in organic crop production sometimes requires unorthodox, or what Carroll Johnson calls “bizarre” management techniques.
Green pecans grow on a tree in South Georgia. CAES News
Dry orchards
Drought continues to suppress Georgia agriculture, particularly in southwest Georgia, the hub of the state’s pecan production. It could turn what was expected to be an “on” year into an “off” one for pecan growers.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Your Southern Garden
Learn about pond care, agave pups and creating planting plans on "Your Southern Garden" with Walter Reeves July 2 at noon and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.