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Samantha Spellicy, a graduate student of the Stice lab at the University of Georgia, performs a lab test on the therapeutic activity of exosomes. CAES News
Stroke Recovery
University of Georgia animal scientists, funded by the National Institutes of Health, have brain-imaging data for a new stroke treatment that supports full recovery in swine, modeled with the same pattern of neurodegeneration as seen in humans with severe stroke.
"Ike" Oguadinma, a graduate student on the University of Georgia Griffin campus, is one of 15 students who received the award at the SQF International Conference held last October in San Antonio, Texas. Each student received a $3,000 scholarship and an all-expense-paid trip to attend the conference with more than 850 food safety professionals. CAES News
Scholarship Selection
University of Georgia food science graduate student Ikechukwu “Ike” Oguadinma, 27, has been awarded the Food Safety Auditing Scholarship from the Food Marketing Institute Foundation in partnership with the Safe Quality Food Institute.
University of Georgia experts will be on hand at this year's Wintergreen Horticultural Trade Show and Conference to teach sessions on proper irrigation usage, native plant propagation, the newest plant releases, pruning, beneficial insects and much more. CAES News
Wintergreen 2020
The Georgia Green Industry Association’s Wintergreen Horticultural Trade Show and Conference will be held Jan. 21-23 at the Infinite Energy Forum in Duluth, Georgia.
Professor Esther van der Knaap, who works at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture and Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, is part of the team that is unlocking the history of ancient tomatoes to breed a more sustainable future for modern crops. CAES News
Tomato Ancestry
The path from wild weed to the carefully cultivated vegetables that fill our refrigerators is not always a straightforward tale of domestication. Different cultures have different priorities and growing conditions, and sometimes crops are domesticated more than once.
Ivery Clifton, a native Georgian, was the first African American to serve at the dean level at UGA, holding the position of interim dean and coordinator from 1994 to 1995 in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Clifton, who died Jan. 1, is remembered as a dedicated educator, leader and advocate. CAES News
Ivery Clifton
Ivery Dwight Clifton, a former senior administrator and professor emeritus of agricultural economics at the University of Georgia, died Jan. 1, 2020. He was 76.
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture's Professor Marc van Iersel, right, is leading an interdisciplinary team which hopes to integrate new lighting technologies, big data and better growing practices to reduce energy costs in greenhouses and plant factories. CAES News
The illuminated light bulb. It’s the symbol of a great idea come to life.
Sustainable agriculture experts at the University of Georgia are offering a two-day intensive workshop March 23 and 24 to help small growers make the most of the upcoming season and build their farms into strong, productive businesses. CAES News
UGArden History
There is a lot more growing at UGArden — the University of Georgia’s student-run community farm — than just vegetables. Student involvement, community outreach and adoption of sustainable practices are all products of the work of students and staff at the garden. 
Stedman Graham addresses Georgia 4-H'ers at Fall Forum. CAES News
State 4-H Fall Forum
More than 700 Georgia 4-H ninth through 12th grade youth members gathered for the annual State 4-H Fall Forum at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia.
Jennifer Berry, an apiculture research professional and lab manager for the University of Georgia Honeybee Program, proudly displays her "Save the Honeybee" Georgia license plate. Thanks to the work of the Georgia Beekeepers Association Georgians can now buy the tag at the GBA website ( CAES News
Honeybee Tags
“Save the Honeybee” license plates are now available for Georgia drivers to purchase, thanks to the efforts of the Georgia Beekeepers Association (GBA).