Browse General Agriculture Stories - Page 50

528 results found for General Agriculture
This map shows the amount of precipitation in Georgia in May 2012. Click on "view image" to see an enlarged version of the map. CAES News
Extra-warm May
Weather conditions in May continued this year's trend of above-normal temperatures in Georgia with some areas seeing higher than normal rainfall and other areas still experiencing drought conditions.
Fresh vegetables at a vendor stand at the Athens Farmers Market in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Insects at the farmers market shouldn't bug you out.
Farmers markets offer the best of local, fresh produce throughout Georgia. But all those mouth-watering vegetables straight from the field sometimes come with slimy little surprises — bugs.
Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture CAES News
Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is now accepting applications for the inaugural class of the Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture program.
Erico Rolim de Mattos in his lab at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Growing more on less land
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental doctoral student Erico Rolim de Mattos envisions a world where exploding human populations, global climate change and land overdevelopment has rendered mankind incapable of producing enough food to sustain humanity. This scenario is a very real possibility, and it has captured the minds of specialists from organizations like NASA and the United Nations.
A barrel racing competitor leans her horse into the turn during the Great Southland Stampede Rodeo. CAES News
Southland Stampede Rodeo
UGA’s Block and Bridle club is gearing up for the 38th annual Great Southland Stampede Rodeo, which will roll into Athens, Ga. this weekend, April 19-21.
Organic onions growing in a field in south Georgia CAES News
Organic gardening class
An organic gardening workshop is slated for April 27 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Eddy-Jean Etienne working in the Agricultural & Environmental Services Lab in Athens. CAES News
High-tech help for Haiti's farmers
Haitian farmers have toiled for more than a century to grow crops in the nation’s notoriously ravaged farmlands. A new soil-testing lab, scheduled to open in June, should help farmers in Haiti improve their yields.
Garden soil CAES News
Dirty work pays off
Good compost takes time, patience and alternating layers of decomposing yard and kitchen wastes. Those are the basics, but Athens-Clarke County Extension Agent Amanda Tedrow was finding that most people needed more information in order to make the compost equation come out right.
Georgia farmer Relinda Walker displays organic peanuts on her farm. CAES News
Tougher peanuts
University of Georgia researchers studying organic peanut production and researchers with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service have found ways to reduce the amount of fertilizer and pesticides used in traditional peanut farming operations.