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Electric fences can be an inexpensive and easy alternative option for containing livestock. CAES News
Electric fences
Whether you are a livestock producer who wants his animals to graze new areas or a first time farmer with a couple of goats to pen, temporary electric fences are an economical way to meet your needs.
Jason Peake, an agriculture teacher at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, talks to prospective students and family members at last week's showCAES Southeast recruiting event in Lyons on Sept. 19. CAES News
National Ag Teacher Day
Jason Peake was destined to teach agriculture. It’s in his DNA.
Members of this week's pre-conference farm tour pose for a picture on Tuesday at the Claxton Fruit Cake Factory. CAES News
International Agribusiness Conference
Farmers and businesses across the Southeast should be exporting more of their products, says a University of Georgia expert.
Cotton is harvested Nov, 1, 2005 at the Durden Farms Candler County near Metter, Ga. CAES News
Crop update
Weather played a significant role in the types of diseases that have been found on Georgia crops this season. Rainfall delayed harvest in some cotton and soybean fields and brought diseases to peanuts, cotton and corn fields. Cooler temperatures, however, kept at least one peanut mold at bay.
Pot of pansies on display at the Home Depot store in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Pansy planting
Planting pansies is one of the easiest ways to add color to your landscape. There are several things to do to keep them looking bold and beautiful throughout the fall and winter months.
Diana King, a native of Illinois, is in her sixth year as an agriculture teacher at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus. CAES News
National Ag Teacher Day
A self-professed farm girl from Illinois is helping shape and mold future agriculture teachers at the University of Georgia.
A fistful of rich soil from the University of Georgia's J. Phil Campbell Sr. Research and Education Center in Watkinsville, Ga. CAES News
Sustainable Agriculture Conference
UGA Extension and the Athens Land Trust are taking registrations for a Sustainable Agriculture Conference for new and beginning farmers, Oct. 3, in Watkinsville.
Feed My School for a Week week will be Sept. 23-27 at Colbert Elementary School CAES News
Feed My School For a Week
Georgia apples, peaches, corn, beef and other locally grown food will be part of the curriculum for Colbert Elementary School students in Madison County as part of the Feed my School for a Week program, Sept. 23-27.
St. Augustinegrass seedheads CAES News
Over and Under Seeding
Fall is rapidly approaching, and homeowners will soon be interseeding or overseeding their lawns. Interseeding is seeding the same species into itself to increase lawn thickness and recover lost grass. Overseeding introduces a second turfgrass species – typically a cool-season grass – into a permanent species – typically a warm-season species.