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This photo represents pseudo-colored MRI T1 maps of a Zika-infected chicken embryo. The embryo was infected with the Zika virus at a time associated with the first trimester of a human pregnancy. The photo captures a well-developed chicken embryo within the egg, and lesion within the brain, attributed to the Zika virus infection. CAES News
Zika Virus Research
A University of Georgia graduate student is using early stage chicken embryos to monitor the progression of the Zika virus. By collecting data on how the virus affects brain development, researchers at UGA can pinpoint the best treatments to stop or slow the progression of early-stage microcephaly, a rare birth defect linked to the Zika virus.
Zinnias are great plants for pollinators like these Gulf Fritillary butterflies.jpg CAES News
Floral Beauty
After a hurricane, you find beauty and pleasure in simple things. In my case, it is the old-fashioned zinnia. Now I say “old-fashioned” because we grew them from generic seed packets, so I don’t know the variety. I would say it is the zinnia you grew up with as a kid.
David Jespersen is the newest member of the University of Georgia Turfgrass Team. CAES News
New Turf Researcher
New Jersey native David Jespersen was selected to fill retired UGA turfgrass physiologist Bob Carrow’s position based in part on his research on the effects of heat stress on creeping bentgrass. Jespersen is adjusting to life in the South and to working on a small extended university campus.
UGA President Jere Morehead and UGA CAES Dean Sam Pardue pose for a picture with Georgia Farmer of the Year John McCormick and his wife, Paula. CAES News
Sunbelt 2016
University of Georgia President Jere W. Morehead and other UGA administrators celebrated the opening of the 2016 Sunbelt Agricultural Expo by visiting the trade show Oct. 18 in Moultrie, Georgia.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Mold control
Homes along the coast of Georgia were drastically damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Homes that weren't structurally damaged may soon show signs of a sneaky and dangerous aftereffect: mold.
The horticultural crew at the University of Georgia's Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens resets a Carolina Sapphire cypress tree following a hurricane. CAES News
Storm Damage
When rebuilding your landscape after storm damage, do it in small, concentrated outdoor rooms or pockets, one area at a time. This method will help homeowners from getting overwhelmed. What took a few hours to bring down may take weeks to clean up.
A dairy cow on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Dairy Research
Sha Tao and John Bernard, animal and dairy research scientists at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, believe that feeding betaine to dairy cows could increase milk production.
A concession stand at the Kiwanis Club Fairgrounds in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Safe Concession Food
Concession stands are great fundraisers. But the safety and well-being of the diners, as well as the organization’s reputation, lies in the hands of the servers.
Roger Thurow, a veteran foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and anti-hunger activist, will visit the University of Georgia on Nov. 7 to deliver the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' D.W. Brooks Lecture at 3:30 p.m. in the UGA Center for Continuing Education. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture 2016
Roger Thurow, veteran foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and anti-hunger activist, will visit the University of Georgia on Nov. 7 to deliver the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ D.W. Brooks Lecture at 3:30 p.m. in the UGA Center for Continuing Education.