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Brian Forschler, University of Georgia professor of entomology, has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in urban entomology, mentored students and served on the Georgia Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Commission. He has also served on the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials' Termiticide Scientific Review Panel and the Termiticide Label Review Committee. CAES News
Entomology Recognition
University of Georgia entomologist Brian Forschler built his career studying termites, a pest that many homeowners don’t care to think about. 
David Daughtry, University of Georgia Tifton campus graduate research assistant and licensed drone pilot, speaks to local elementary school students about agricultural uses for drones during the Agricultural and Environmental Awareness Day held in May 2017. CAES News
Agricultural Awareness Day
On Tuesday, Oct. 24, approximately 900 fourth-graders from Georgia’s Tift and Cook counties will convene on the University of Georgia Tifton campus for this fall's Agricultural and Environmental Awareness Day.
'Bolvian Sunset' grows from 12 to 18 inches tall at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
'Bolivian Sunset'
Shady ground covers that bloom are sought-after in the gardening world, and ‘Bolivian Sunset’ is one of the most beautiful. Commonly called “hardy gloxinia,” it is cold hardy from zones 8 and higher, but everyone can enjoy it as a container plant on the deck and indoors, provided it has a shady or filtered-light location.
A nearly 100-year-old mule barn on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia will be repurposed into a café that will connect students and the surrounding community with the history of Griffin and Spalding County. The 3,900-square-foot Dundee Café at the Mule Barn is scheduled to open in summer 2018 in the historic structure near the campus student learning center. CAES News
Dundee Café
The historic Mule Barn at the heart of the University of Georgia Griffin campus will undergo a $1 million renovation thanks to a gift from the Dundee Community Association.
Hay bales outline a field in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Hay Contest
With more than 328 entries in this year’s Southeastern Hay Contest (SEHC), competition was fierce among farms that pride themselves on fine hay. 
The bean plataspid or kudzu bug CAES News
Exotic Pest Meeting
The Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council will examine the control and management of invasive insects and plants at the council’s annual conference on Monday, Oct. 30, at the University of Georgia Griffin campus. The conference runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
The flower stalks of the soap aloe plant can grow to be 24 to 36 inches tall. CAES News
Soap Aloe
Soap aloe is one of those plants that stirs up a passion in gardeners and plant aficionados across the country. Known as Aloe maculate, you would swear it is from Mexico at first glance, but it’s actually from South Africa, more than 9,000 miles away.
Of the three Sombrero varieties planted last spring, which were all good performers, 'Granada Gold' took the cake. The flawless golden flowers bloomed profusely with a beautiful floral presentation and lasted longer than the other two. CAES News
Classic City Awards
Summer’s end often means that spring’s colorful annuals have started to fade, but the end of Georgia’s growing season also means it’s time to debut the University of Georgia Trial Gardens’ annual Classic City Award winners. These awards represent plants that thrived during the punishing conditions of a Georgia summer.
A vendor installs a soil moisture probe in a cotton field assisted by Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt County Extension Coordinator. CAES News
Irrigation Outreach
As part of an irrigation efficiency study by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, a 29-person team of social scientists, agricultural economists, climatologists, agricultural engineers and UGA Extension agents from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is studying agricultural irrigation in order to increase the water-use efficiency in row crops common to southern Georgia.