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Helga Recke, a Visiting Fellow at Cornell University's College for Agriculture and Life Sciences's AWARE (Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education) program, will give the keynote address on April 2 at 3:30 p.m. at the Georgia Museum of Art. CAES News
Gender in Agriculture
Around the world, female farmers produce 20 to 30 percent less than their male counterparts, and experts believe that overcoming that gender gap will be key to feeding the world’s growing population.  
Project RFPs
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut Research is calling for concept notes in two Areas of Inquiry: varietal development and value-added gains.
Celebrating global food security
An event scheduled for next week in Washington D.C. will highlight the innovation labs’ role in global food security and the University of Georgia’s part in that work.
At Rock Eagle 4-H Center, students learn about pioneer life at the Scott Site. They pump water from a well, wash clothes on a washboard and gain an appreciation for modern-day life. This year, they planted a vegetable garden and provided produce for the center's dining hall. CAES News
Rock Eagle Garden
The heritage garden at Rock Eagle 4-H Center’s Scott Site is more than a teaching tool, it’s a living museum.
Students peel hibiscus calyxes from the seed pods that form from the plant's showy flowers. The calyxes are used for brewing tea high in vitamin C. CAES News
Medicinal Herbs
Many gardeners keep an herb garden to stock their kitchens with parsley, thyme and cilantro. That same herb garden can turn out tasty, healthful teas.
Poblano peppers growing. CAES News
Poblano Pepper
Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez, University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist, encourages Georgia vegetable producers to consider planting poblano peppers.
Noelle Fuller, the UGArden Medicinal Herb Program coordinator and head herbalist, shows her interns how to propagate a horsetail plant. They cut pieces off already existing plants, and place them in water, to create new plants for their plant sale in May. CAES News
UGArden's Herb Garden
The UGArden medicinal herb garden is just a few rows of a field at the edge of the University of Georgia’s student-run farm, UGArden. But it’s become a refuge for students who want to learn about the benefits of medicinal plants and escape from stress.
Termites feed on pieces of wood in garden soil. CAES News
Pest Control Training
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus is hosting two intensive commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training programs this spring, including a 1.5-day workshop on termite control and a 10-week Urban Pest Management Program course that will run from April to June.
The research team, led by University of Georgia's Steven Stice and Augusta University's Nasrul Hoda, created a treatment called "AB126" using extracellular vesicles (EV), fluid-filled structures known as exosomes, which are generated from human neural stem cells.  CAES News
Georgia Bio Awards
Two of five Georgia Bio Awards presented last month to University of Georgia faculty were programs either in or affiliated with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES).