Browse Plant Pests and Diseases Stories - Page 5

243 results found for Plant Pests and Diseases
UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is part of a collaborative effort to develop a smartphone irrigation app for pecans. CAES News
Pecan Field Day
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host the Southeast Georgia Pecan Field Day in Baxley, Georgia, on Wednesday, Aug. 28.
Bermuda grass stem maggot damages the upper leaves of a forage crop. Lisa Baxter estimates about 60% yield loss in this picture. CAES News
Forage Pest Management
Drought-like conditions this summer are forcing Georgia forage farmers to delay treatments for Bermuda grass stem maggot, according to Lisa Baxter, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension forage specialist.
Tomato lovers will attest that homegrown always tastes best, even if they don't always win beauty contests. CAES News
Ugly "Maters"
There are several tomato disorders that cause a variety of deformities in tomatoes. Most of these disorders are caused by environmental stresses, insects or certain plant diseases. 
Hurricane Michael's strong winds uprooted pecan trees in Tift County. CAES News
Pecan Dieback
Nearly a year after thousands of trees were destroyed by Hurricane Michael, Georgia pecan producers are reporting the dieback of pecan branches and leaf burning in trees that survived the October 2018 storm, according to Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist.
Pictured is an image of cotton suspected of suffering from symptoms of Cotton Blue Disease. CAES News
Cotton Virus
Scientists from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Scientists are investigating the epidemiology of cotton leaf roll dwarf virus (CLRDV) in Georgia using a $75,000 grant jointly funded by the Georgia Cotton Commission and Cotton Incorporated.
Black shank disease turns tobacco leaves yellow and causes the plant to wilt and eventually die. CAES News
Black Shank Disease
While most Georgia crops are suffering from the recent lack of rainfall across the state, tobacco farmers have some reason to celebrate. Three consecutive weeks of dry weather in May have curbed incidences of black shank disease, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension tobacco agronomist J. Michael Moore.
Pictured is what downy mildew disease looks like on a watermelon leaf. Downy mildew disease has been found in three southern Georgia counties so far this spring. CAES News
Downy Mildew
Georgia vegetable farmers should be on alert as downy mildew disease has been spotted in at least three southern Georgia counties this spring. Additional counties could follow as weather conditions remain favorable for the disease into early June, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist Bhabesh Dutta.
Abolfazl Hajihassani, the Extension vegetable nematologist on the UGA Tifton campus, recently conducted a survey to gauge the impact of nematodes in vegetable fields in south Georgia. CAES News
Nematode Impact
A recent University of Georgia Cooperative Extension survey of 431 Georgia vegetable fields found that more than 60% contained root-knot nematodes, tiny parasitic worms that feed on roots and destroy plants.
Scout schools will be offered at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, as well as the Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Georgia. CAES News
Scout Schools
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has scheduled two insect scouting schools for Georgia’s cotton, peanut and soybean farmers, both set for June.