Browse Tifton Stories - Page 25

256 results found for Tifton
Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease on blueberry. CAES News
Blueberry Disease
The key to managing Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease in blueberries, which makes the fruit unmarketable, is one application of lime sulfur approximately two weeks prior to bud break, according to Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit pathologist.
Lenny Wells conducts a pecan pruning clinic in Wilcox County on Jan. 31, 2018. CAES News
Pecan Pruning
Pruning young pecan trees is a necessity and, if done properly, can save farmers the hassle of pruning older, much larger trees, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells.
The 43rd annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference will be held at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, on Thursday, January 17, 2019. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
The University of Georgia Peanut Team will provide Georgia producers a glimpse into the upcoming growing season when it hosts the UGA peanut production seminar at the annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference on Thursday, Jan. 18.
The 'Paulk' variety is UGA's newest muscadine release. CAES News
New Muscadine Variety
The newly released University of Georgia ‘Paulk’ muscadine offers reliable yields for growers and bigger fruit for consumers.
Nan Bostick, Garrett Brown and David Sutherland are among the students graduating from the UGA Tifton campus this month. CAES News
Winter Graduation
The University of Georgia Tifton campus will recognize nine College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduates at a special ceremony slated for Saturday, Dec. 9. The ceremony will be held in the seminar room of the NESPAL building on the Tifton campus from 2-4 p.m.
Corn being harvested on the UGA Tifton campus in 2016. CAES News
Corn Crop
Georgia’s corn yields were lower than expected this season due to prolonged cloudy conditions this summer, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension corn, soybean and small grains agronomist Reagan Noland.
David Daughtry, University of Georgia Tifton campus graduate research assistant and licensed drone pilot, speaks to local elementary school students about agricultural uses for drones during the Agricultural and Environmental Awareness Day held in May 2017. CAES News
Agricultural Awareness Day
On Tuesday, Oct. 24, approximately 900 fourth-graders from Georgia’s Tift and Cook counties will convene on the University of Georgia Tifton campus for this fall's Agricultural and Environmental Awareness Day.
Radium Springs Elementary School Nutrition Manager Theresa Tomblin helps students install plants in the 2016 fall garden at the Albany, Georgia, school. Tomblin is the school's garden liaison and works closely with Dougherty County Extension Coordinator James Morgan. CAES News
School Gardens
School gardens are gaining momentum because they help teachers meet science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) education requirements, according to Becky Griffin, community and school garden coordinator for University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Georgia Power trucks line the parking lot at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center during the weekend of Sept. 9-10. CAES News
Conference Center
While many Georgia churches and government buildings welcomed Florida residents who fled their homes to avoid Irma’s wrath, the University of Georgia Tifton campus’ 129,000-square-foot Tifton Campus Conference Center functioned as a staging site for Georgia Power personnel who worked nonstop to restore power to residents in Tifton, Georgia, and surrounding areas.